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托斯是如何得到这枚特别的饰品的呢?So how did Toth land on the special sparkler?

一个男孩在美国独立纪念日上玩烟火。A boy plays with a sparkler on the Fourth of July.

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在同一时间处理多个焰火或烟花并不安全。Handling more than one sparkler or firework at a time is not safe.

这半干烟火有一个完善的香气征服人心,特别是妇女。This semi-dry sparkler has a refined aroma that conquers hearts, especially that of women.

找出在这个自由烟花爆竹安全消防队长影片更烟火安全提示。Find out more sparkler safety tips in this free fireworks safety video from a fire captain.

学习“烟火”小权行使您在这个自由练习普拉提常规视频。Learn a "sparkler" exercise with small weights for your pilates routine in this free exercise video.

男星舒尔曼还是一名珠宝设计师,他与科怀特遗产珠宝公司共同设计了这枚订婚戒指。Shulman, an actor and jewellery designer, collaborated with Kwiat Heritage Jewels to create the sparkler.

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男星舒尔曼还是一名珠宝设计师,他与科怀特遗产珠宝公司共同设计了这枚订婚戒指。Shulman, an actor and jewellery designer, collaborated with Kwiat Heritage Jewels to create the sparkler.

了解有关此免费教学视频烟火烟花爆竹安全与儿童安全消防队长从更。Learn more about teaching sparkler safety to children in this free fireworks safety video from a fire captain.

她给废物处理公司打电话,废物公司的人告诉她丈夫可以去公司场地的垃圾堆找戒指。She called a waste management company and was told her husband could search for the sparkler in the plant's rubbish pile.

一名巴勒斯坦男孩了一份关于在穆斯林神圣的斋月前夕在加沙城于2009年8月21日电光花。A Palestinian boy plays with a sparkler on the eve of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan in Gaza City on August 21, 2009.

这是从来没有一个安全的手焰火或烟花他人一旦点燃。在这个自由烟花从消防队长安全视频。It is never safe to hand a sparkler or firework to another person once it is lit. in this free fireworks safety video from a fire captain.

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从12月1日到24日金星在射手座,对于假日时光这是一个非常幸运的状况,你将会在聚会中更加闪耀迷人。You have Venus in Sagittarius from December 1 to 24, a very fortunate circumstance for holiday time, for you'll be the sparkler at any party.

一名巴勒斯坦男孩玩弄自制烟火分手后,他迅速在斋月期间,在西岸的拉马拉,星期一,2010年8月16日的城市。A Palestinian boy plays with a homemade sparkler after breaking his fast during Ramadan, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Monday, Aug. 16, 2010.

她自己一直在回避与男友贾维尔·巴尔登之间关系的问题。但是我们群众的眼镜都在观察着呢,她右手无名指可是一直戴着蓝宝石镶钻的订婚戒指呢~所以我们就静候佳音吧。Cruz has been coy about her relationship with beau Javier Bardem, but the gorgeous sapphire-and-diamond sparkler she's been sporting on her ring finger since October speaks volumes.