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你异常清晰的记忆,是一种祝福。Your eidetic memory must be a blessing.

禁欲学派对于预测灾难发展三个心象的推论。The Stoics developed three eidetic reductions of future misfortune.

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当他还是十二岁的时候,他知道他天生有幅异常清晰的记忆。When he was twelve he’d learned that he’d been born with an eidetic memory.

拥有“eideticimagery”能力的人将自信满满地声称仍然可以“看见”那幅图。People possessing eidetic imagery willconfidently claim to still "see" the picture.

此人最好有着惊人的记忆,以及对付食死徒的多方面的经验。Preferably one with an eidetic memory and extensive experience with Death Eater procedures.

他认为在这三种客体和三种立义之间存在着本质的联系。He thinks that there exists an eidetic relationship between the three objects and the three "auffassung".

这种天赋--又称作照相式记忆--会随着年龄而衰退,黑猩猩也是如此。This talent—also known as eidetic imagery—is also known to decline with age, as it seems to do in chimps.

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你还必须相信某个英雄一惯有着异常清晰的记忆力,但偏偏在情节方便的时候丧失了。And you must believe th at the hero has an eidetic memory until, at a convenient point in the plot, he does not.

计算机仿真是利用电子计算机对物理过程、系统结构以至社会经济发展等过程进行比较逼真的模仿。Computer Simulation is an eidetic imitation by computer for physical process, system structure and social economy development.

但那一相互吸引的历历在目的情感碰撞的火花在他婚后头五个年头里一直燃烧着,后来才渐渐熄灭。But the eidetic spark of mutual attraction had been there for the first five years of his marriage and had only gradually faded.

胡塞尔在其研究手稿中试图通过现象学的直观描述来把握图像意识的本质结构。Husserl tries to grasp the eidetic structure of image consciousness by way of intuitionistic description of phenomenology in his manuscripts.

因此,本文所关注的议题为篮球教练之美学,以现象学之本质直观为视角,从时间与空间两个层面切入议题。Therefore, this paper aimed at the aesthetics of basketball coaches. Based on eidetic intuition in phenomenology, the issue was explored in terms of two dimensions, that is, time and space.