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这本小说读起来很不错。This novel reads well.

这小说很好卖。This novel sells well.

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我们看看小说吧。Let's have look at novel.

这是一部幽默小说。This is a humorous novel.

这本小说把战争美化了。This novel glorifies war.

你觉得那本小说怎样?How do you like the novel?

这小说译得不错。The novel translates well.

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忘了言情小说吧。Forget the romantic novel.

他的小说是一部精心的杰作。His novel is a fine effort.

这是一个很新奇的概念。The concept is quite novel.

他们狠狠挖苦他的新小说。They roasted his new novel.

这部小说拍不成好电影。This novel won't film well.

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从头到尾读完了一本小说。Read a novel cover to cover.

这段是小说的结尾。This passage ends the novel.

你想写本小说么?Do you want to write a novel?

他的新小说名为“帕洛马尔”。His new novel is 'Mr. Palomar.

这部电影以鲁迅的小说为蓝本。The film ___a novel by Lu Xun.

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那本小说不值一读。That novel didn't rate reading.

这部电影是根据一本小说拍摄而成的。This movie is based on a novel.

这本小说是一本恐怖小说。This novel is a horror fiction.