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一个音符是高音谱号。One NOTE is a treble clef.

没有那个孩子需要承受唇裂或腭裂的煎熬。No child needs to suffer with a clef.

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我喜欢怀克里夫,他为海地所做的,不会被忽略。I love Clef — I don't discount what he's done for Haiti.

节日最近还拿起一个Nordoff罗宾斯格子呢谱号奖。The festival also recently picked up a Nordoff Robbins Tartan Clef Award.

我已经标好了调性,这个叫低音谱号,它采用的是大调I've put it in the key-- what's called the bass clef here-- and it's in a major key.

我已经标好了调性,这个叫低音谱号,它采用的是大调。I've put it in the key-- what's called the bass clef here-- and it's in a major key.

画中右边墙上的高音谱号和琴键图案代表著我自小便喜爱的音乐。The G clef and the piano keys on the wall represent the music which I loved since I was a kid.

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在一缕香烟描述完美的高音谱号时,追女孩子的蒙哥马利•克里夫。Montgomery Clift getting the girl while the plume of his cigarette described a perfect treble clef.

在一缕香烟描述完美的高音谱号时,追女孩子的蒙哥马利?克里夫。Montgomery Clift getting the girl while the plume of his cigarette described a perfect treble clef.

刚刚说到龙的高音符号饰品,你好像跟龙特别有缘!Talking about that dragon treble clef pendant, it seems that you especially have luck with dragons!

这套记谱系统由一面可灵活调整的液晶触屏显示器构成的,该显示器配备有一个固定支架和一个无线的脚踏板。Back to the subject at hand, the CLEF system consists of a flexible LCD touch screen with a built-in stand and a wireless foot pedal.

与所有降B调,电子束,C和低音谱号文书,爵士队用播放沿系列是最终的学习所有爵士乐手工具。For use with all Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments, the Jazz Play-Along Series is the ultimate learning tool for all jazz musicians.

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这显然是一部影射小说——阅读它的快乐之一是发现浅显伪装下的玛丽莲·梦露,弗兰克·辛纳屈和茱蒂·嘉兰。It's manifestly a roman à clef — one of the pleasures in reading it is spotting Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and Judy Garland under thin disguise. JS