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我别无归依,佛是我的至上归依。The Buddha is my foremost refuge.

我别无归依,法是我的至上归依。The Dhamma is my foremost refuge.

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我别无归依,僧是我的至上归依。The Sangha is my foremost refuge.

他能够向上帝那里得到什么样的庇护呢?What refuge can he go ask of God?

挖苦是无赖的借口。Sarcasm is the refuge of scoundrels.

我们必须是自己的安全岛。We must be our own island of refuge.

宿命论是纳齐恩斯基的唯一寄托。Fatalism was Nadiensky's only refuge.

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我寻求庇护于后者,佛陀I take refuge in the latter, the Buddha

神在其宫中自显为避难所。God is known in her palaces for a refuge.

三皈依的第一条,在巴利文如何拼读?How do you recite the first refuge in Pali?

三皈依的第三条,在巴利文如何表示?How do you recite the third refuge in Pali?

三皈依的第二条,在巴利文如何表示?How do you recite the second refuge in Pali?

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他们到山村里寻找避难所。They sought refuge in the mountain villages.

神是我们的避难所,换言之,神容让我们藏身在他里面。God is our refuge – a place in which to hide.

猫藏在一颗树后躲避狗的追赶。The cat took refuge from the dog behind tree.

皈依三宝的人是佛教徒或称佛弟子。The refuge in the buddhist or says buddhists.

凡投靠他的,他便作他们的盾牌。He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.

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那只鸟飞到树上,躲开了猫。The bird took refuge from the cat in the tree.

最后,我们经过了水鸟保护区。And finally let's pass by the Waterbird Refuge.

我觉得新闻业是双关语最后的阵地了。I think journalism is the last refuge for puns.