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什么是内痔?What are Internal Hemorrhoids?

芙蓉区治痔疮去哪好?。Furong District, where a good cure hemorrhoids?

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一般而言,外痔引起的不适可在一周左右解除。But external hemorrhoids usually resolve in a week or so.

轻症者可用栓剂、无刺激性的缓泻药及洗浴等法治疗。Mild hemorrhoids may require only ointments, laxatives, and baths.

有一个上市的事,你可以做你自己治好痔疮。There is a listing of things you can do yourself to cure hemorrhoids.

金盏菊花卉已广泛使用在中国医治痔疮。Calendula flower has been extensive used in China to heal hemorrhoids.

在平均15个月的追踪期中,没有任何痔疮复发。There were no recurrent hemorrhoids with a mean follow-up of 15 months.

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方法采用微波治疗473例痔患者,观察疗效。Method The number of treating hemorrhoids is 473 and the effect is observed.

外痔有时会脱出或突现于肛管口外。Sometimes external hemorrhoids prolapse, or anal penetration is now outside.

如何缓解这个免费的家庭健康系列影片痔疮的症状。How to relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids in this free home health video series.

由乙状结肠镜诊断此病灶为内痔。The diagnosis of this lesion was internal hemorrhoids based on sigmoidoscopy.

如何使坐浴治疗在这个自由的家庭健康系列影片痔疮。How to make a sitz bath to cure hemorrhoids in this free home health video series.

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如你所愿,你终究成了一颗在我心头的朱砂痔。As You Like It, you will eventually become one of cinnabar in my heart hemorrhoids.

结论PPH应作为重度痔的首选手术方法。Conclusion PPH should be taken as the first choice for treating severe hemorrhoids.

你可以事业的您自己的不适,从痔疮在若干方面。You could be the cause of your own discomfort from hemorrhoids in a number of ways.

痔病的手术治疗在门诊就能非常安全有效的完成。Several procedures to remove hemorrhoids can be performed safely in a doctor's office.

结论草木犀流浸液片剂是治疗痔有效、安全的药物。Conclusion Melilotus extract tablet is an effective and safe drug to treat hemorrhoids.

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坐在热水独处,或者一个洗,这是一种有效治疗痔疮肿胀。Sitting in hot water alone, or a sitz bath, is effective in treating swollen hemorrhoids.

而且内痔和混合痔都会有便血的症状。And there will be internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoid symptoms of blood in the stool.

婚礼的前一天她做了痔疮手术,所以我猜她的身体仍然会有些虚弱。She’d had an operation for hemorrhoids the day before, so I guess she was still a bit groggy.