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一个匈牙利人在1974年发明了魔方。It was invented by a hunky in 1974.

别担心,这里一切都没问题。Don't worry, everything here is hunky -dory.

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星巴克在离开卡不利卡之前给了优秀的游击队员山姆安德斯什么?What did Starbuck give to hunky guerilla Sam Anders before she left Caprica?

他们会担心能否得到和性感结实的消防队员或者可爱的摄影师约会的机会。They worry about their chances with that hunky fireman, or the cute photographer.

同时,梅林达集安德列相亲的一个优秀的消防员朋友吉姆。Also, Melinda sets Andrea up on a blind date with one of Jims hunky fireman buddies.

不管怎样,维多利亚的小女儿不仅生来就有三位帅哥庇护,还继承了一大衣橱的衣服。Either way, Posh 's daughter inherits a gaggle of hunky older brothers and one heck of a wardrobe.

最突出的是妈妈晚上伊维特著名的舞台表演克里斯盖瑞的虎背熊腰,脚蹬丘比特脱衣舞。The highlight of the night was Mamma Yvette's famous stage show with Chris Geary's hunky cupid strippers.

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从女性的角度而言,存在既阳刚又喜欢孩子的男人简直难以置信。From the female point of view, the existence of men who are both hunky and child-friendly might seem too good to be true.

事实上他确实发现比起使用健康因素这个理论更能预言阳刚脸庞与吸引力之间的关系。And indeed, he found that this was better than a country's health statistics at predicting the relative attractiveness of hunky faces.

一位看上去很不错的男子正在展示他弹奏吉他的才能,另一位男子则在大展拳脚,扮演动作人偶。One hunky male has been displaying his guitar playing skills, while another is flexing his muscles as as he poses like an action doll.

嗨,独自旅行并不意谓着我不能请里约热内卢一位打排球的美男子帮我在自己难以够到的背上涂防晒油。Hey, just because I'm traveling alone doesn't mean I can't ask a hunky Carioca volleyball player to put sunscreen on the hard-to-reach places.

嗨,独自旅行并不意谓着我不能请里约热内卢一位打排球的美男子帮我在自己难以够到的背上涂防晒油。But hey, just because I’m traveling alone doesn’t mean I can’t ask a hunky Carioca volleyball player to put sunscreen on the hard-to-reach places.

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当你有压力的时候,你能让外在的一切都让人满意,但实际上内心却被焦虑和紧张控制。When you get stressed, you can keep the façade of everything being hunky dory, when in fact you are bottling up underneath with anxiety and tension.

每当这位天才回到巴西的时候,她们都会涌向机场,只为了看看这个头发挡住脸颊的年轻人,看看他回家时舒心的脸庞。Whenever the prodigal playmaker returns home to Brazil, they mob the airport, often just to get a glimpse of the hunky lad with the hedge of hair and the take-me-home face.