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但是这些证据真的就无可争议的吗?But is the evidence really incontrovertible?

脑子受伤的证据是确凿无疑的。The evidence of brain injury is incontrovertible.

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被告被传来面对他确凿的罪证。The defendant was confronted with incontrovertible evidence of guilt.

但是中国的发展的意义远大于美国无可争议的相对退步的事实。The importance of China’s advance goes far beyond the incontrovertible fact of America’s relative decline, however.

在这个方面,你们可以确信,我们的科技将在你们的法庭无可争议的揭露真相。On this issue, you can be assured that our technology will reveal truths in your courtrooms that is incontrovertible.

洛克还赞成“或然性”,而笛卡尔则有着一个理想——知识是完美的,非常坚定的理想。Locke is also a probablist whereas Descartes has an ideal of perfect knowledge, absolutely incontrovertible certainty.

保险箱上嫌疑人的手纹被认为是他参与了抢劫的铁证。The suspects' fingerprints on the safe were considered incontrovertible evidence that he had participated in the robbery.

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或许你有无可争议的证据证明所发生的一切,但在你的信中没有出现。Perhaps you have incontrovertible evidence for your theory of what happened to you, but it is not presented in your letter.

如果说无论是过去还是现在,在这个离太阳第四近的行星上都没有找到确实的生命痕迹,那是很令人惊讶和失望的。It would be surprising and disappointing if incontrovertible proof of past or present life were not found on the fourth planet from the Sun.

“中国对这些铜首拥有无可辩驳的所有权,它们理应被归还”,外交部女发言人姜瑜上周公开表示。"China has incontrovertible ownership of these objects, which should be returned, " Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu declared last week.

我对原子能危险和能量的叙述在美国时期是必要地规定的,我知道这些是唯一无疑的事实。My recital of atomic danger and power is necessarily stated in United States terms, for these are the only incontrovertible facts that I know.

社会学的问题比较复杂,但所有学术研究都必须基于确凿无疑的事实来推论,这点是不变的。Social questions are more complex, but the need for inferences to be firmly grounded in incontrovertible fact is the same in any scholarly study.

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在联合国,科林·鲍威尔展示了几张照片,作为伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器不容质疑的证据。At the United Nations, Colin Powell displayed several photographs of Iraqi sites showing incontrovertible evidence of weapons of mass destruction.

但这种几乎无可争议的发展成果是否能使这些国家的所有居民受益却无法保证。What is not guaranteed however is whether the fruits of this almost incontrovertible development will be available to all who dwell in these countries.

虽然人类已在雄性精巢内找到了能产生精子的干细胞,但还没有在卵巢内发现无可争议的、能够发育成卵子的类似细胞。While sperm-making stem cells have been found in male testes, no one has ever found incontrovertible evidence for similar cells that make eggs in ovaries.

这足以使里希特在世界当代绘画史上成为一个名副其实、无可争议的大师级人物。This can fully prove Richter as an incontrovertible master-level person who is worthy of this name in the contemporary history of art all around the world.

同样地,中国的监督者和他们的政治上级常常发现,最便利的办法就是否认问题的存在,直到已经出现无可辩驳的证据。Likewise, Chinese regulators and their political bosses often find it most expedient to deny the existence of problems until the evidence becomes incontrovertible.

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勿容置疑,习得是一个动态的、相互作用的过程,目前还没有一个理论模式能够完整而精确地描述这一复杂的过程。It is an incontrovertible fact that acquisition is dynamic and interactive and no existing model of any theory can fully and precisely describe this complex process.

而客家人的信仰习俗,有其区别于他民系的信仰内容与信仰形式,在中国众多的信仰习俗中占有不容忽视的一席之地。However, the belief and the custom of Hakka people is different from that of the other races, and occupies an incontrovertible position in so many believes and customs of China.

根据欧洛诺市缅因大学的研究生、小组成员塞缪尔.贝尔科那普三世说,这是关于美洲家养狗最早的无可辩驳的证据。According to team member Samuel Belknap III, a graduate student at the University of Maine, Orono, it is the earliest incontrovertible evidence for domestic dogs in the New World.