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无聊,沉闷。The problem, of course, is boredom. The problem is tedium.

它是最轻的,你会觉得厌烦。Now, he's currently the smallest and you can feel the tedium.

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他身强体健,充满活力,觉得失业的无聊与烦闷令他无法忍受。A strapping, energetic man, he finds the tedium of joblessness intolerable.

更糟的是,随着跑差使的枯燥,她变得越来越失落。Worse, she became increasingly frustrated with the tedium of running errands.

对多数网站而言,和稍微麻烦一点以及错误纠正相比,这些都是值得的。For most Web sites, that's worth more than a little bit of tedium and error-correction.

这一不断发展的框架会让您从其他框架的沉闷乏味中解脱出来。The growing framework will spare you from the tedium that's rampant in other frameworks.

毕竟任何复杂的操作只要能够自动进行,就可以不那么烦闷了。After all, any complicated operation that can be automated is tedium that can be avoided.

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心未动,身已远,也许是一场艳遇,似水流年的青春里猝不及防上演。Heart still, no body has far, perhaps is a affair, the youth is unexpected timesong tedium.

他看起来似乎很无聊,但并没有迫于单调,他认为我的公司前景很好。He seems very bored but not sopressed by tedium that he finds the prospect of my company a joy.

也许会,因为我甚至还有一个更极端的建议,那将会增加任何已觉察到的麻烦。Possibly, because I have an even more outrageous suggestion that will increase any perceived tedium.

它在小学顽劣的学生的模仿和祖母的针织的烦闷中找寻欢乐。It finds laughter in the burlesque of grade school dunces and the tedium of a granny's knitting needles.

它可以让我们从这些重复乏味的工作中-,解脱出来。So that we take very quickly the tedium out of-- what is otherwise-- could be a very repetitive process.

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虽然看起来非常罗嗦,有不少重复,但实际上也是一种机会,后面您将看到。While this might seem a recipe for tedium and repetition, actually it's an opportunity, as you will see shortly.

接着像往常一样,想要把无聊推到极致,只要说得让人痴迷到眼神呆滞只知道点头就行了。Then again, all that is necessary for tedium to triumph is for fascinating men to let their eyes glaze over and nod.

但如果从事的是有趣的工作,就能给人带来比仅仅是解闷高级得多的满足。But when work is interesting, it is capable of giving satisfaction of a far higher order than mere relief from tedium.

无疑问的,认为把生命的变易和欢乐都消蚀殆尽的那种烦谦和忧闷,是跟亚当同样地古老的。Undoubtedly the very tedium and ennui which presume to have exhausted the variety and the joys of life are as old as Adam.

其设计关键为,不论在室内外空间上还是在建筑立面处理上,均需避免单调乏味之感。The key of rentable pavilion design was to avoid tedium no matter in the indoor and outdoor spaces or on the building surfaces.

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这个类封装了许多在ADO编程中使用的例程,可以减少你的冗余工作,增加代码的可靠性。This class encapsulates many routine tasks in ADO programming, which reduces the tedium and increases the reusability of your code.

是些有用的东西,但是实际细节却包含大量的记忆量并且枯燥,作为一个来说根本不需要这些。Useful stuff, but the exact details involve a lot of memorization and a lot of tedium that you don't normally need as a programmer.

墨西哥城这里,政府力图控制猪流感疫情蔓延的努力导致了一个更为巨大的后果——那就是沉闷。One of the larger consequences of the government’s efforts to contain the spread of the swine-influenza virus here in Mexico City is tedium.