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然后,她把蜡烛吹灭,“瞧,这盏更亮一点,先生们。”Then she snuffed out the candle. " Voila , that is brighter, gentlemen."

据说你只要每天戴10分钟,坚持30天后——瞧,新头发即刻生成。Apparently, you only needed to wear it for 10 minutes a day for 30 days -and voila instant new hair.

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到二月中旬,Voila计划在遍布海地全境的1500家商户中推行移动电话支付系统。By mid-February, Voila plans to have 1,500 merchants accepting payments by cell phone all across Haiti.

在圣马克所这里发生的一切是一项由Voila公司发起的名为“T-Cash”服务的实验计划。What's happening here in Saint Marc is a test program for the T-Cash service that is being launched by the phone company Voila.

头皮上的防护油自我修复的时候你需耐心点,然后看吧,富有关泽又浓密的秀发就出现了,而且是免费的!A little patience is required while the scalp's natural oils rebalance themselves and — voilà — glossy, thick tresses, for free.

头皮上的防护油自我修复的时候你需耐心点,然后看吧,富有关泽又浓密的秀发就出现了,而且是免费的!A little patience is required while the scalp’s natural oils rebalance themselves and — voilà — glossy, thick tresses, for free.

钓鱼。将磁铁拴在?在图画纸上剪出鱼的形状,将回形针附在鱼嘴上。Fishing. Tie magnets to a string, cut fish shapes out of construction paper and attach a paper clip to the fish's mouth and voila.

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要得到三种不同的叶子,只要移动一些顶点和删除一些多边形,现在已经有了三种不同的叶子。To obtain three different leaves I just moved some vertexes and deleted some more polygons, and voila now I have three different leaves.

总之你在工作方面成为能手,那么在整个团队中你可以担当主角。你也离当领导不远了。And once you become a master at your chosen skill, you can offer to lead a workshop for the entire team. Voilà. You've just become a leader!

造型粗厚,口感柔韧的米粉条,新鲜的蔬菜,加上芝麻酱,香醋和辣椒油,最后撒上一点炒熟的花生和芝麻,这就完成了。棒棒哒!Dress the chunky, chewy jelly noodles and fresh vegetables with sesame sauce, vinegar, and chili oil, and then sprinkle some toasted peanuts and sesame for the final touch. Voila.