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但莫斯科坚决拒绝合作。But Moscow has steadfastly declined to cooperate.

但是美国坚决不同意。But America has steadfastly disagreed with him on that.

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我们还必须坚定抵制女性生殖器切割的医学化。We must also steadfastly resist the medicalization of FGM.

他走近画家,并且死死地盯着他那目光严峻的眼睛。He came close to the painter and looked steadfastly into his stern eyes.

但我们要坚定持续的祷告,并尽话语的职事。But we will continue steadfastly in prayer and in the ministry of the word.

约坦在耶和华他神面前行正道,以致日渐强盛。Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the Lord his God.

当然,还有中美洲,此地仍然坚定的支持台湾。Plus, of course, Central America, which has remained steadfastly pro-Taipei.

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我们需认认真真学习、踏踏实实做人,好好学习,天天向上!We need the conscientious study and steadfastly personhood, good good study, day day up!

正统学院派的造型形式,沉稳地构架起叙事空间场景。The modeling styles of orthodox academic school steadfastly construct the narrative space.

而在当时,小天狼星执着的跟踪着虫尾巴并且已经接近了他。Now, at that very moment, Sirius is steadfastly tracking Wormtail and is already getting close.

尽管这个系统的准确性遭到质疑,但北京政府总是一直在辩解。The accuracy of the system has been questioned, but Beijing officials have steadfastly defended it.

有一个本地官员在取得一份文件之前坚决拒发客栈执照。One local bigwig had steadfastly refused a license for the guesthouse until a document was produced.

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美丽的空想比不上踏实地做事,只要开始行动,就算再晚也不迟。Beautiful fantasy than steadfastly doing things, as long as the start, even if it's late again later.

由于气温升高和降水量减少,它的许多冰川正在持续消融。Many of its glaciers are steadfastly retreating due to rising temperatures and declining precipitation.

尽管他们威胁他、劝说他、吓唬他,冲他大发雷霆,他始终闭口不言。Though they threatened him, persuaded him, bullied him, and stormed at him, he steadfastly refused to speak.

尔玛喜欢的课程是汉语和彝文。她现在正踏实地学习两种语言的文字。Aniu's favorite subjects are Chinese and Yi, and she's steadfastly working to learn characters for both languages.

导演路易斯·布努埃尔一直坚称这部电影是一个严肃的对资产阶级神经症的心性。The director Luis Bu?uel steadfastly maintained that this was a serious psycho-sexual study of bourgeois neurosis.

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导演路易斯·布努埃尔一直坚称这部电影是一个严肃的对资产阶级神经症的心性研究。The director Luis Bu?uel steadfastly maintained that this was a serious psycho-sexual study of bourgeois neurosis.

加强文化市场管理,坚持开展“扫黄打非”。We will improve management of the culture market and steadfastly fight against pornography and illegal publications.

尽管国王听到这次演讲并不高兴,但是在此后的冲突中坚定不移地支持俾斯麦。Though the king was unhappy about the speech, he steadfastly backed Bismarck and would do so in subsequent conflicts.