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看看这位声名狼藉的伪证犯!Look upon the Infamous Perjurer!

秦桧耍过很多臭名昭著的阴谋。Qinhui played lots of infamous plots.

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她给你看了那封不名誉的信了吗?Did she show that infamous letter to you?

那是前苏联声名狼藉的机构。When was the infamous person sent to prison?

她将喝这种难喝的混合液。She was to drink some of this infamous mixture.

翻车鱼以携带成吨的寄生虫而闻名。Molas are infamous for carrying tons of parasites.

这就是臭名昭著的单线传输线。This is the infamous single wire transmission line.

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我们以后还会讨论关于一些臭名昭著的食人的历史。Discussed will be some infamous cannibals of history.

首先在我的清单中的是臭名昭著的北部湾事件。First on my list is the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident.

下面上榜的是其中最著名的10对。This is a list of ten of the most infamous criminal duos.

一天一个臭名昭著的年轻武士来到了这个村庄。One day an infamous young warrior arrived at the village.

1950年代臭名昭著的“伦敦雾”就是一个很好的例子。The infamous Smog of London in the 1950s is a case in point.

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至今依然供奉着许多二战时的战争罪犯灵位。It still honors many infamous war criminals of World War Two.

为罗马尼亚如此身败名裂的角色感到骄傲。I'm proud of Romania for producing such an infamous character.

这个臭名昭彰的地方在最近的历史中发生了许多事情。The infamous spot where so much has happened in recent history.

像去年臭名昭著的巴兹,结果适得其反,最后被销毁。Some, like last year's infamous Buzz, backfired and were scrapped.

拉斯维加斯堪称布兰妮的“糗事”多发地。Las Vegas has been the location for many of Britney's infamous moments.

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这不就是那个臭名昭著的凶手杰克死时的样子吗?The figure I saw was the deathly figure of the infamous Jack the Ripper.

第二个主要事件是我们遭遇了传说中的角斗王。The second major event we encountered was the infamous gladiatorial boss.

我们可以用“声名狼藉”或“臭名昭著”去形容这类“名誉”。We can use the word, "infamous"or iniquitous "to describe this kindoffame.