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你知道我在那里可以找到道婕么?You know where I can find Dodger?

这种情况的另一种变化是“狡猾的躲闪者”。A variation on this theme is The Artful Dodger.

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全都被社会活动分子贴上了逃税者的标签。Each has been branded a tax dodger by activists.

道奇认为奥立佛还太青涩,去做一个好扒手。Dodger thinks Oliver is too green to be a good pickpocket.

靠人施舍,成了一个没地位的寄生者。What did I into mistress by people alms, became a no position of the dodger.

道奇品牌的强,在球迷的眼中,可返回的伟大。The Dodger brand is strong, and in the eyes of fans, can be returned to greatness.

他不需要狡猾的道奇尔的帮助,就能获得任何发光的奖杯。And he doesn't need the help of the Artful Dodger to pick up anything that glitters.

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怎样把一个揽事过多者或一个狡猾的躲闪者转变成一个能干的团队成员呢?How do you convert a Spread-Too-Thinner or an Artful Dodger into a productive team member?

我们位于唐人街的心脏地带,从110高速公路道奇体育场出口可直达教会。We are located in the heart of Chinatown, directly across the 110 freeway from Dodger Stadium.

罗宾森成为了布鲁克林道奇队的主力,并带领道奇队赢得了六次锦标赛冠军和一次世界大赛的冠军。Robinson starred on Brooklyn Dodger teams that won six pennants and a World Series championship.

神偷以一个非常娴熟的动作从衣服里滑了出来,使费金手里只攥着一件空衣服。The Dodger slid out of his coat in one smooth movement, leaving Fagin holding only the empty coat.

车上只剩一个座位了,不过我宁可站着。我可不想坐在那个邋遢鬼身旁。There's only one seat left on the bus but I think I'll stand. I'm notsitting next to that soap dodger.

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我们可以抓住绝大多数人,但要追查出每一个逃税者几乎是不可能的。We can catch the vast majority of people but hunting down every last tax dodger is virtually impossible.

3月31日,例如,两个道奇球迷粗暴袭击了旧金山的道奇体育场停车场巨人队球迷。On March 31, for example, two Dodger fans brutally attacked a San Francisco Giants fan in the Dodger Stadium parking lot.

在这些事发生于济贫院里时,插翅神偷和查理·贝茨正在费金的家里打着牌。While the se events were happening in the workhouse, the Artful Dodger and Charley Bates were playing cards in Fagin's house.

现在我们把这个气流隔离装置安装在办公室门两边,然后分别在安装了此装置和未安装此装置的门附近喷洒了压缩冷空气。We slid the draft dodger beneath an office door and sprayed compressed air beneath it, both with and without the device in place.

萨拉趴在计算机上,用绑在她头上的棍子调出道奇地网站上的一篇报道。她开始一啄一啄地在这篇报道上添字加句。Sarah leaned over the computer and used her pointer to call up a story on the Dodger Place website. Peck by peck, she began adding to that story.

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从那天晚上起,他很少一个人待着了,总是同神偷和查理在一起,常常同他们做着手帕的游戏。After that evening he was rarely on his own again. He spent a lot of time with the Dodger and Charley, and often played the hand kerchief game with them.

在道奇球场突然响起的快炮三连轰让人目瞪口呆,但这看起来却与怪事接二连三发上的今晚相互呼应。The three rapid-fire shots that rang out at Dodger Stadium came so stunningly out-of-nowhere that it seemed fitting for one collective oddity to deserve another.

为了克服来自对手甚至道奇队队友的敌意,他用尊严和忍耐挨过了巨大压力,并向世人证明了自己是一个棒球高手。Surmounting hostility from opponents and even some Dodger teammates, he weathered the immense pressure with dignity and restraint, and he proved to be a superb ballplayer.