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他对她非常温存。He was all gentleness to her.

温柔对己则是皇后。And gentleness to oneself is queen.

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爱,欢乐,和平,耐心和温和,我将用它们来充实我的一天。Love, joy, peace, patience and gentleness

因为的温柔体贴。Because of your gentleness and consideration.

幸福是一种平和,柔顺和无忧无虑的状态。It is peace and gentleness and lightheartedness.

他们根据的亲切度,支持度来评分?。They grade you on gentleness and supportiveness?

但是,他现在比过赴温和耐心多了。What's different is his gentleness and patience.

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这个世界总是需要更多一点宽容。The world could always use a little more gentleness.

当有人对你并不友善,试着回以亲切。When someone is unkind to you, try responding with gentleness.

怒气将小事化大,温柔成就大事。Anger magnifies trivialities, gentleness accomplishes greatness.

“眼睑位置处于正常或微小关闭不全”这样翻译对不对?。The position of eyelid edge is normal or gentleness insufficiency.

他们将会更爱你的温柔和容忍的精神。They will love you more for your gentleness and forbearing spirit.

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他文笔流畅,措辞得体,是一位文雅而且温和的作家。He is a writer of fluency and felicity, of graciousness and gentleness.

「感恩」要拒绝骄纵操弄,选择柔和谦卑。Thankfulness is to reject arrogance and choose gentleness and humbleness.

夜间的云朵常显得像棉绒般的温软,是白天所不太看到的。There is often a fluffiness to them, a cotton-wool gentleness not seen by day.

虽然格利兹是只性情温和的灰熊,但熊的温和并不都是那么轻柔的。And although Griz is a gentle bear, a bear's gentleness is not all that gentle.

将任何阻滞或者愤怒呼出,将原谅和温柔呼入。Breathe out any resistance or anger, and breathe in forgiveness and gentleness.

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男人味就是豁达勇敢,女人味就是温柔体贴。Man's flavor is open-minded brave, woman's flavor is a gentleness consideration.

野性与柔美兼具一身,让你在一眼就欲罢不能。It combines wildness and gentleness so that you are unable to reject it at a glance.

我想那最伟大的温和将会把一颗子弹射入他明亮的眼。It occurs to me that the greatest gentleness would put a bullet into his bright eye.