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使用USB接口充电的电子产品Use USB Rechargeable Electronics

这其实是一个优盘。It is actually a USB flash drive.

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USB门,装饰镜片,触摸板。USB door, decorative lenses, touchpad.

在计算机中弹出USB设备。USB equipment pops up in the computor.

通过USB升级固件在电脑上。Firmware upgradeable via USB on your PC.

作为一个USB充电器的USB供电的设备。As an USB charger for USB-powered devices.

连接车载诊断系统界面的任何自由的USB端口。Connect OBD interface to any free USB port.

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看在上帝的份上,连个USB口都需要适配器!You need an adapter for USB for god's sake.

研究有关内建的USB电缆电源。Researchable Power built-in to your USB cable.

除了可能对芝诺和他的USB主机驱动程序。Except maybe for Zeno and his USB Host Drivers.

南京哪里能买到USB卡通鼠标垫?Where can Nanjing purchase USB cartoon mousepad?

你不应该总是需要依靠USB线来访问文件。You shouldn't be tied to a USB cord to access files.

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通过USB连接到您的高清而机器人正在运行。Connect via USB to your HD2 while Android is running.

反过来,电池组能通过USB为各种装置充电。In turn, the battery pack can charge devices via USB.

介绍USB的体系结构和特点以及OHCI标准。The introduction of the USB system and OHCI standard.

USB延长线必须用密封的胶袋包装。USB extension cable to be packed in a closed polybag.

蓝牙就是这样的一个例子,还有USB也是。Bluetooth is an example of attempting this, so is USB.

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与波节有关的万用串列总线硬件只是文件。The nodes associated with USB hardware are just files.

最后是对系统开发的总结和对USB技术的展望。Finally it is summarization and prospect of USB system.

同样,服务器往往缺乏音频和USB接口。Similarly, servers often lack audio and USB interfaces.