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家庭教师驾驶着一辆车子。The tutor drove a car.

她是人类学选课指导教师。She's course tutor in anthropology.

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这位被当掉之学生需要一些个别指导。The tutor flayed the idle students.

你的学龄前孩子需要家教吗?Will your preschooler need a tutor?

我听说你是导师是安娜.露西娅。I hear that your tutor is Anna Lucia.

她的导师对她的作品大加赞赏。Her tutor assented to her writing greatly.

一见面,家庭教师就喜欢这对双胞胎。Once the tutor saw the twins. she liked them.

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您的孩子需要家教或全程陪读吗?Do you need a tutor or a friend for your child?

我爸爸是一名园丁,而我母亲是一名务工佣人。My daddy is a tutor , or my mother is a stayer.

我有一个随身的家庭老师。I have a tutor with me travling aroud the world.

我太太辅导的人就住在那儿,People that my wife used to tutor for over there,

南京大学教授、博士生导师。Professor, doctorial tutor of Nanjing University.

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想要哪位当你的家教呢?。Which member do you prefer to be your home tutor?

大部分家长没有时间辅导孩子。Most parents have no time to tutor their children.

我现在辅导两个布隆迪的孩子,So, I'm actually a tutor for a two Burundian kids,

视频辅导也有一些缺陷。The video tutor also has a couple of avail aments.

一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot.

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另外,她们还是自己子女的“免费家庭教师。And, they could be a free tutor for their children.

1989年,她得到的第一份工作是担任电脑辅导员。In 1989, she got her first job as a computer tutor.

老师很喜欢这个嘴甜的小妞妞。The tutor loves that hfirstymawayhed girl seriously.