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我们把那门砸掉了。We battered the door down.

引擎严重撞坏了。The engine was badly battered.

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崎岖不平的道路磨损了我们的汽车。Rough roads had battered our cars.

一名遭受家暴的妇女找到免费住处。A battered woman finds free shelter.

她在事故中把自己的汽车撞坏了。She battered up her car in the accident.

浪头拍击着海岸线。The waves battered against the shoreline.

敌人炮火轰击城堡的围墙。Enemy fire battered the walls of the fort.

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消防队员最后砸开了门。The fireman finally battered the door down.

他用头猛撞石墙。He battered his head against the stone wall.

那顶旧帽子被戴破得叫人认不出来了。The old hat was battered beyond recognition.

看看这些历尽沧桑的梦想。Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.

银行类股票在整个区域遭受重创。Bank stocks across the region were also battered.

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那天夜里,我疲惫不堪而且还挂了彩,但仍然高兴地不得了。That night I was battered and bloodied but elated.

我部队以炮火摧毁了敌人防御工事。Our troops battered down the enemy defensive works.

鱼类是最好的殴打或面包之前,油炸。Fish is best battered or breaded just before frying.

你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗?。Q. Have you considered making the Battered Hilt BoP?

心跳很剧烈,像是有只拳头在胸腔里猛捶。The heart battered like a fist against the chest wall.

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你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗?。Q. Have you considered msimilarg the Battered Hilt BoP?

她车库的制门器是一个坏掉的福特T型车方向盘。A battered Model T steering wheel is her garage doorstop.

为了拒绝,甚至让自己逃跑,颠沛流离,狼狈不堪。For sole sake of rejection, I even run away and battered.