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今天风和日丽。It's breezy today.

他举止活泼轻快。He has a breezy manner.

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今日凉风习习,非常舒适。It's breezy and pleasant today.

某日下午,阳光明媚,清风拂面。One bright and breezy afternoon.

它翠绿的枝干伸向微风习习的天空。Its green boughs in the breezy sky.

你今天满面春风啊!You're very bright and breezy today!

这是一个乏味的起风的秋日下午。It was a lazy breezy autumn afternoon.

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这是一个懒惰的,起威严的春夜下昼。It was a lazy, breezy autumn afternoon.

香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召。The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn.

现在他们的傲然自信似乎也不合时宜。Now their breezy confidence seems misplaced.

风和日丽的海边,你躺在一张吊床上,吊床来回的摇晃着。You’re lying in a hammock by a breezy shore.

一个凉风习习的完成为底的黄麻详细线。Jute detail lines midsole for a breezy finish.

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以其酷炫的用户界面和方便的操作也会让这看起来还算不错。It looks neat, with the UI cool and breezy to use.

如果你想轻松凉爽的夏天形象,还是裙子吧。If you want a breezy summer look, stick with skirts.

尝试每天花享受微风轻拂的冲浪浪!Try spending a breezy day enjoying surfing the waves!

事实上,天朗气清,凉风习习,可是并不冷。In fact, the air felt breezy and cool, but warm enough.

我是一个比较活泼开朗的人,平时有许多的兴趣爱好。I am an outgoing and breezy boy and I have many hobbies.

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她穿着黄色背心裙,看上去轻松活泼。She looked very bright and breezy in her yellow sundress.

在凉风习习的天,我们用来享受飞行的风筝在沙滩上。On breezy days we used to enjoy flying kites on the beach.

海边满凉的,微风徐来,天色已暗,但第托大步向前。The beach is chilly, breezy and dark, but Tito strides ahead.