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一种选择是不对密钥加密。One option is to not encrypt the key.

现在我们将使用那个密钥来加密数据。We'll now use that key to encrypt data.

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尽可能加密您的资源和数据。Encrypt your source and data where you can.

#使用AES-256-CBC算法对JSON进行加密Encrypt the JSON using AES-256-CBC algorithm.

加密或防篡改保存游戏数据。Encrypt or tamper-proof saved data for a game.

可以使用算法安全加密文件。Can use blowfish algorithm to securely encrypt files.

为了更进一步的保护,他需要加密所有数据。For further protection, he intends to encrypt all data.

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如果安全策略要求,则对请求进行加密。Encrypt the request if the security policies dictate it.

你从键盘上键入你想加密的单词。You type at the keyboard words that you want to encrypt.

用于加密文件的密码是继承而来的密码。The cipher used to encrypt files is the inherited cipher.

第一是把您放入会话中的所有内容加密。The first is to encrypt anything that you put into session.

你可以加密,以防止间谍对它窃取阅读。You can encrypt it to prevent counterspies from reading it.

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每当我们都仅须加密内容时都使用这个值。We use this value whenever we have to encrypt only the content.

它们可以对通讯加密,使行为随机,等等。They can encrypt communications, randomize behaviour, and so on.

然后,佐伊利用弗兰妮的公开钥匙对发送给弗兰妮的报文加密。Zooey then uses Franny's public key to encrypt a message to her.

如果你对文件进行过加密,那么事实上除了你没有其他任何人能够读取该文件。If you encrypt it before uploading, no-one can ever read that file.

免费版通常只加密Web活动但不加密e-mail交换。Free versions tend to encrypt only Web activity and not e-mail exchanges.

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接着Wuala开始加密所有的文件并在云端上传它们。Then Wuala starts to encrypt all the files and uploads them to the cloud.

在我们的场景中,将签署和加密来自和到达服务的请求。In our scenario, we'll sign and encrypt both requests to and from the service.

XML元素级加密是指对XML文档中的某一特定部分进行加密。XML element-wise encryption is used to encrypt a certain part of XML document.