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还是想让纪律检查委员会的医生来说呢?Or would you like Dr. Disciplinary to do it ?

执行纪律和申诉程序。Implement disciplinary and grievance procedures.

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他被开除以示惩戒。He was dismissed by way of disciplinary punishment.

开除党籍是党内的最高处分。Expulsion is the ultimate Party disciplinary measure.

教令全基督教会议的教义或纪律法令。A doctrinal or disciplinary act of an ecumenical council.

图书馆是学科建设的必备条件之一。The library is indispensable to the disciplinary construction.

温特也认为足总应该加快他们有关违纪的听证效率。He also feels the FA should speed up their disciplinary procedures.

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本网络记者随后采访了自然科学基金委纪检部门的官员。An official at the foundation's disciplinary department told SciDev.

恪遵佛陀所制戒律规范,誓不违犯。I vow to adhere to the disciplinary rules promulgated by the Buddha.

主要有医生、牙医和眼镜商的纪律委员会。There are disciplinary committees for doctors, dentists and opticians.

牢房禁闭也被作为正式的基本惩戒手段。Cell confinement is also used as the primary formal disciplinary measure.

报律对报刊惩戒措施的规定。Newpaper regulations to publication disciplinary punishment measure stipulation.

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学生手册称被抓到的学生将会面临纪律处分。The student handbook says that students will face disciplinary action if caught.

无故缺勤和擅自离岗将导致扣发工资和纪律处分。Ueported absence will give rise to salary deduction and disciplinary punishment.

近百家律师事务所被送上律师纪律法庭。Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.

救援方案涉及到更为严格的惩戒措施,这些措施又是什么内容?The bailout package talks about tougher disciplinary measures, but what are they?

旅游学的学科体系可以有多种分类。The disciplinary system of tourism science entitles a variety of classifications.

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无故缺勤和擅自离岗将导致扣发工资和纪律处分。Unreported absence will give rise to salary deduction and disciplinary punishment.

我国法官法规定的法官惩戒制度很多方面都存在缺陷。Judge disciplinary system regulated in The Law of Judge of China has many drawbacks.

目前美国军方仍然在对该士兵进行调查,暂时未给予其处分。He is now being investigated by the US military ahead of possible disciplinary action.