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定义修饰符与定义其他方法无异You define a decorator just like any other method

我已经提前把新书的稿费付装修费了。I'm using my new book advance to pay fancy decorator.

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油漆工油漆了木质镶板来模仿大理石。The decorator had the wood paneling painted to imitate marble.

一个修饰处理方法来确保用户已登录的装饰器。A decorator for decorating a handler method to make sure user has been logged in.

但是,我在创建修饰符时可以不用添加额外的基于类的方法结构。But I can make a decorator without adding the extra structure of a class-based approach.

“但是我当然同意约翰布森时,他说,”没有良好的外部装饰工程!But I certainly agree with John Dobson when he says, The Exterior Decorator does good work!

室内装饰设计员是为房子内部设计颜色和家具陈设的人。An interior decorator is a person who plans the colours and furnishings for the inside of a house.

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形成了心饼干心形蛋糕装饰技巧,从这个视频免费工艺品包。Form the heart-shaped package for heart cookies with tips from a cake decorator in this free crafts video.

在这封挺长的信里,那个女人说她是装潢师我是建筑师,我们没准可以合作做点什么。In this rather long letter the woman said that as she was a decorator and I an architect, we might work together.

准备用螺丝糕点袋上的提示心饼干与蛋糕装饰技巧在这部影片免费工艺品。Prepare the pastry bag with a screw-on tip for heart cookies with tips from a cake decorator in this free crafts video.

把心饼干一起与技巧的心形蛋糕装饰包从本视频免费工艺品。Put the heart cookies together with the heart-shaped package with tips from a cake decorator in this free crafts video.

装饰流程或者作为内联任务包含该任务,或者调用对应的人工任务组件。The decorator process either contains the task as an inline task, or it invokes the corresponding human task component.

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哈尔登雇用了一名室内装饰师,用18种不同的颜色创造了多种感觉,激发不同的情绪。Halden hired an interior decorator who used 18 different colors to create a sense of variety and stimulate various moods.

一般的“装饰模式”是一种设计模式,允许动态地向现有组件添加新的行为。The general "decorator pattern" is a design pattern that allows adding new behavior to an existing component dynamically.

她的演示和清楚指令帮助一些即使很笨拙的蛋糕装饰者比如说我,可以自信地完成这个即将的任务。Her demo and clear instructions help even the most clumsy cake decorator like myself to perform the task at hand confidently.

建筑师不再为房间而自劳神费心,将毛坯房交给装修商做下一步的装修。He troubles himself no more with the house and hands over the bare, empty rooms to the decorator and upholsterer for more extensive fittings.

以哥伦比亚来的33岁油漆工兼室内装潢师雷内E波尼亚来说,经济危机毁了他7年来辛苦建立的生活。For Ren?Bonilla, 33, a painter and decorator from Colombia, the economic crisis crushed a life built over seven hard years. In November 2007, Mr.

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一些雇佣一名庭园布置园艺工或建筑师和场地负责人一起工作,就像室内装饰工和客房部经理一起工作一样。A few hotels employ a landscape gardener or architect, who works with the head groundskeeper as the interior decorator works with the housekeeper.

今天,作为一个蛋糕店的糕点师傅,我给一个男人的婚礼蛋糕做装饰,就是这个男人三年前在婚礼上离开了我。Today, at my job as a cake decorator in a bakery, I put the finishing touches on the wedding cake of the man who left me at the altar 3 years ago.

另外,摄像头上部安装了涂有变色漆的弹簧扣盖,可以将暗灰色转为白色,也可以将其漆成其他任何颜色,周围环境颜色匹配。The snap-on Chameleon Cover converts the housing from standard dark gray to decorator white, and it can be painted any color to match its surroundings.