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同时,我还在网上购买了我的便当盒。I also bought my bento boxes online.

总之,是一种平和淡定的体验。Preparing a bento can be a peaceful experience.

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罗纳尔多在里约热内卢的一个叫本托。Ronaldo grew up in Bento Ribeiro, a suburb of Rio.

我为宏做可爱的便当,并给他送到店里。I made lovely bento for Hiro and took them to his shop.

世界著名的埃菲尔铁塔做成盒饭一样还是这么美!Colorful bento lunch box inspired by the world’s most famous tower.

饭团是日式便当里不可或缺的角色。Onigiri are often a essential part of any bento or Japanese boxed meal.

日式便当盒饭包括美国的猪肉和两国的其他菜肴。The Japanese-style bento lunch box featured U.S. pork and other dishes from both countries.

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很难想象的事情多极比吃日本对子弹列车便当盒。It's hard to conceive of anything more utterly Japanese than eating a bento box on the bullet train.

在便当盒装配项目和添加饭团的特点,根据下面的图片。Assemble the items in the bento box and add the features on the rice ball according to the image below.

这是小兔儿四个月前做的第一个便当。实在激动不已就开了个博客。This was the very first bento I made, four months ago. I was so proud of it I decided to start a blog about it.

传统的便当包括有米、鱼或肉,以及一种或多种腌渍好的蔬菜或熟蔬菜作为配菜。A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish.

本月,雷曼兄弟以一份典型的日式便当内容为基础,推出了一系列保本型商业票据。This month it launched a range of capital-protected notes based on the contents of a typical Japanese bento box.

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如果你的目标是1800卡路里每餐,那就要用600立方毫米的饭盒了,这样,你就能实际你减肥的目标了。If your goal is a 1, 800-calorie-diet, get a bento box of 600 milliliters, where you can eat your three daily meals.

除了饭团以外,香肠、煎蛋、炸鸡、炸虾等都深受他们的喜爱。Bento featuring such as onigiri, small grilled sausages, rolled omelettes, fried chicken or fried prawns are popular.

日本创造出了不少奇趣产品,比如自拍杆、便当,还有如今的“木制面条”。Japan has created some interesting and innovated products like selfie sticks, Bento lunchboxes and now, wood noodles.

这是唯一的篮子便当盒,我,他用可爱的圆点,和他的同事已停止问它。It's the only basket bento box I have, he's used to the cute polka dots , and his coworkers have stopped asking about it.

为什么不试试这个可爱和简单的方法,准备了熊猫便当,享受这种“踢屁股”饭,一边看电影!Why not try out this cute and easy way to prepare a panda bento and enjoy this "kick-butt" meal while watching the movie!

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此外,在多数便当店,一次性泡沫塑料盒取代了价格昂贵的木头和金属盒。In addition, the expensive wood and metal boxes have been replaced at most bento shops with inexpensive, disposable polystyrene boxes.

在19世纪,本托共萨维斯成为了大批意大利移民涌入的中心,这也是它喜爱葡萄酒与美食的历史渊源。Bento Goncalves' love of wine and food stems from its history as one of the centers of Italian immigration into Brazil in the 19th century.

一度在日本受到欢迎的金属便当盒经常会被梅干的酸性腐蚀,最终会在盖子中央打出一个洞。The metal bento boxes, once popular in Japan, were often corroded by the acid of umeboshi, eventually making a hole in the middle of the lid.