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头顶背后有两大片杂花,十分分散注意力。Flowers around the head is also very distractive.

昨天,我就这么做的,但是饿意扰人。Yesterday, I did this, but hunger was distractive.

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喧哗的学生封要读书的学生发生扰乱的。Noisy students have a distractive on those who want to study.

撑开过程的扭力变化如何?。What is the distractive torsion change during the distraction?

喧哗的学生封要读书的学生发生扰乱的作用。Noisy students have a distractive effect on those who want to study.

他刚刚开动,就让膀胱搅得心绪不宁。As soon as he began to enjoy the food his bladder made him distractive.

他们很容易受到外界因素的影响而分散注意力。They very easy to receive the extraneous factor the influence, but distractive.

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他们不偷显示完全,但他们似乎也不如分散注意力或讨厌。They don't steal the show entirely, but neither do they appear as distractive or annoying.

有些电视节目是非常吸引人而令人分心的,以至于不少小孩很难专心学习。Some TV programs are so tempting and distractive that a number of kids fail to study dedicatedly.

请把电视机关掉,因为噪音会使她分心,以至无法专心做家庭作业。Please turn the TV off, because the noises are so distractive that she was not able to concentrate on her homework.

植骨块大小对颈前路椎体次全切的压力与牵张力的作用尚不清楚。Summary of Background Data. The effects of graft size on compressive and distractive forces in cervical corpectomy remain unknown.

在置入骨块所需的牵张力与骨块的即时压力之间关系有显著性差异。A statistically significant relationship was observed between distractive force required for graft insertion and immediate graft compressive force.

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我觉得我们这个年龄段的美国男人,他们爱你的时候好得不得了,可是玩心太重,爱一阵子之后心就不知跑哪里去了。My sense is, American guys of this age, they are so great when they feel they love you, but they are just so distractive to focus on any girl alone.

有不少人在家中兴奋起来,但在前往睡房途中,总会被不少东西分散注意力,很快便提不起劲。Has many people to be excited in the home, but is going to the bedroom on the way, the general meeting by many thing distractive , is raised very quickly then not vigorously.