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长凳倾斜了。The bench tipped up.

我让小伙坐到了一张长凳上。I got the kid to a bench.

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她回到了石凳前。She returned to the bench.

这条长凳是榆木制的。This bench is made of elm.

他坐在一张矮矮的长椅子上。He is sitting on a low bench.

我歪倒在一个工作台上。I bent sideways over a bench.

全都围绕着鞋匠的长形工作台转All around the cobbler's bench

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我的座位在玛丽座位的前面。My bench is in front of Marys.

我们会让内维尔打替补。We might put Gary on the bench.

那张长凳载不起五个人。The bench will not support five.

他不安地从长凳上下来。He got off the bench very nervous.

他坐在长凳上,一动不动。He sat on the bench without movement.

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一个真男人应该卧推自己的重量。A real man should bench his own weight.

我看着身旁那张空空的长椅。I looked at the empty bench next to me.

橡木长椅不仅仅是歇脚的地方。The oak bench was not just a foot rest.

肖恩·赖特-菲利浦斯仍然留在场上。Shaun Wright-Phillips remained on bench.

一位老人躺在公园的长凳上。An old man reposed on a bench in the park.

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石櫈的对面,就是关公亭。Opposite to the bench is Kwan Kung Temple.

哦,还是让我来替这个单词说两句公道话吧。Oh, well let me defend this old word bench.

怀赞斯基法官今天上午在法院审理案子。Judge Wyzanski is on the bench this morning.