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我发现我变的足智多谋了。I find that I am resourceful.

他聪明、机敏而且讨人喜欢。He is bright, personable and resourceful.

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她在紧急关头总是沉着机敏。She is calm and resourceful in an emergency.

戈薇也是一位足智多谋的女孩。Kagome is also a remarkably resourceful girl.

将事情做好的人是资源丰富的The people that get things done are resourceful.

电影里,我比较喜欢杰克,他足智多谋。In this movie,I like Jack,he is a resourceful man.

他是一位足智多谋的老叟。He's an old man who is intelligent and resourceful.

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以及人族,一批在星际间游荡寻找资源的人类放逐者。and the Terran, a resourceful band of human exiles.

能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。Ability to work independent1y, mature and resourceful

联合办公区吸引着年轻的、智慧的雇员。Co-working spaces attract young, resourceful employees.

他不只是枪法好,而且还机智勇敢。He was daringand resourceful besides being a fine shot.

“人”形的造型,寓意水路两栖,神通广大。"Human"-shaped form, symbolizes amphibious, resourceful.

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高度自我激励,踏实地工作并能随机应变。Highly self-motivated, committed and resourceful at work.

刘伯承以足智多谋的“独目将军”闻名于世。Liu Bocheng became famous as the resourceful one-eyed general.

足智多谋的法学家已经想出了一个恢复名誉的计策。The resourceful jurist formed a plan to recover his own laurels.

▪机智在项目完成后,在多任务有效。Resourceful in the completion of projects, effective at multitasks.

这不会是一样容易的月蚀,但你是灵活和足智多谋的。This won't be an easy eclipse, but you are flexible and resourceful.

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黄芩属植物遍布世界各地,资源丰富。Scutellaria is a resourceful plant genus distributed widely in the world.

让孩子学会左右逢源的方法是让他们使用自己的资源。The way kids learn to be resourceful is by having to use their resources.

寻找资源和拥有资源两者之间有天壤之别There’s a big difference between seeking resources and being resourceful.