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她一直躲藏在班的庇护下。She has been in hiding.

藏身在风雪雨幕之后。Hiding from the rain &snow.

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牠躲进绿草浪。Hiding into wavy green grass.

一定是在遮掩什么!They must be hiding something.

崁入式音质调整钮。Hiding knob of tone adjustment.

他爸爸给他一顿好打。His dad gave him a good hiding.

冬藏,藏什么呢?In winter, what are you hiding?

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月亮把它完全遮挡住了。The moon is hiding it completely.

我是个美国人,到西西里来避避风头。I'm an American, hiding in Sicily.

人生一直藏匿在我们的思想里。Life has been hiding in our minds.

感觉上他有点在隐瞒什麽?Feeled like he was hiding something?

甚么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。There is no hiding from lover's eye.

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什麽也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。There is no hiding from lovers eyes.

“哦!”芷兰知道今天是躲不过了。" Oh! " Elaine know today is hiding.

遮盖力强,防水效果好。Hiding power, good waterproof effect.

快出来,让老爸进去躲一下。Out soon, so look father into hiding.

也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。There is no hiding from lover's eyes.

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什麽也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。There is not hiding from lover's eyes.

詹森,你最近躲到哪里去了?Jason, where you've been hiding lately?

妈妈躲在金银花丛中叫。Mama, hiding in the honeysuckle, calls.