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我不领会你的意思。I don't apprehend your meaning.

你听过玛丽娅·卡拉斯唱歌吗?Did you anytime apprehend Maria Callas sing?

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闯入地狱之门总部并逮捕双面人。Break into Hell's Gate HQ and apprehend Two-Face.

在万物中领会上帝,因为上帝存在于万物中。Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things.

赛尔夫和他的组员在路上等着,将他们一网成擒。Self and his team are there waiting, and apprehend them all.

我们的目的是尽快实现四个现代化。Our aim is to apprehend the four additions as anon as feasible.

难道每次缉拿歹徒警察都没有付出代价吗?Is it time the police to apprehend criminals do not have to pay cost?

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在沙漠中呆久了,你就能理解绝对。Stay in the desert long enough, and you could apprehend the absolute.

缉拿施襄夏的官差赶来,看到是精疲力竭的俩人。Shi Xiang summer Guanci apprehend came to see two people is exhausted.

员工从以斯帖本杰明信托急于制止并逮捕他们。Staff from the Esther Benjamins Trust rush to stop and apprehend them.

领悟尝试则可检查修证知识本身的真伪。Apprehend the attempt can check the authenticity of the knowledge itself.

警察急于逮捕一名确实携有枪支的中年人。The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man, who is armed with a gun.

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因此,他不赞成我们想要为帮助联合国逮捕艾迪德的决定。By extension, he disagreed with our decision to try to apprehend Aidid for the UN.

警察急于逮捕一名“确信”携有枪支的中年人。The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man believed to be armed with a gun.

他们纯朴而天真,珍贵他们如此直接领悟的东西。And in their primitivity and innocence, they value what they thus immediately apprehend.

比如,他会劝告瘾君子,但不当他们是坏人。For example, he would counsel marijuana smokers, but wouldn't apprehend them as bad guys.

我也曾努力的了解毕达哥拉斯学派的理论,他们认为数字主宰着万物的此消彼长。I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds away above the flux.

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我力图领悟毕达哥拉斯的才能,他的才能使数字支配着不断变动的事物。I have tried to apprehend the pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux.

我也曾经努力理解毕达哥拉斯学派的理论,他们认为数字主载着万物的此消彼长。And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds away above the flux.

而且我还试图掌握毕达格拍斯的魔力,让数字支配变动。And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux.