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他是个送奶工。He is a milkman.

我也是,送奶先生。Neither do I, Mr. Milkman.

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他是个送奶工,每周工作七天。He worked seven days a week as a milkman.

我们可以将其称之为送奶工指标。We might call this the Milkman Indicator.

因为今天早上,我们发现送牛奶的人死在我们的走廊里。We found milkman dead on our porch this morning!

他以前做过泥水匠,也送过牛奶。In the past he has been a bricklayer and a milkman.

当然,送奶工收取的价格也会上升。And the prices the milkman charges will go up as well.

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我们把瓶子还给送奶工之前,先把它们擦干净。We wiped the bottles out before returning to the milkman.

送奶工是一种获得信息披露和信息透明度的不错途径。The milkman is a model of good disclosure and transparency.

牛奶商从一群200头牛中选出有斑点的牛。The milkman selected the spotted cows, from among a herd of two hundred.

多亏了他精神上的母亲彼拉特,奶娃成功的找到了他的根。Thanks to his spiritual mother Pilate, Milkman has successfully found his roots.

但是,在进入抽象的讨论之前,还是让我们首先来看一看我的送奶工发来的电子邮件吧。But before getting to abstractions, let’s look at the e-mail I got from my milkman.

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之后他被用一辆由当地送奶工提供的手推车送回了家。He was later transported back to his house on a cart borrowed from a local milkman.

高昂的油价搅黄了明尼苏达州弗格斯瀑布最后一个牛奶商的生意。High fuel prices have soured business for the last milkman in Fergus Falls, Minnesota.

我记得在英格兰时候,送奶工给我来送牛奶时都不知道我是谁。I remember when the milkman came to give me the milk in England, he did not know who I was.

一位是农夫,一位是制图员,一个卡车司机,一个杂货店伙计,一个送奶工。One was a farm er one was a draftsman there was a truck driver a grocery clerk and a milkman.

这是干菜和所作的创伤,而且是众所周知的愈合和治疗能力。It is dried and delivered by the milkman and is known for its healing and therapeutic ability.

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那么送奶工的客户会否真的成为2009世界冠军呢?Could it be true that a milkman now holds the key to the outcome of the 2009 world championship?

克莱尔向他们问了怎样寻找那家公寓的路,就急急忙忙地去找那家公寓,他找到那家公寓的时候,送牛奶的也到了那儿。Clare received directions how to find the house, and hastened thither, arriving with the milkman.

如何我她回答,我今天早上开门和发现送奶工人死在门阶上。What about me she replied, I opened the door this morning and found the milkman dead on the doorstep.