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两台机床联动可加工特长工件。Machinable two machine interaction points workpiece.

可加工注塑模,冷冲模,拉深模等各种精密模具。Machinable injection mold, Die, drawing die, and other precision molds.

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可加工各种规格底块、侧块、角块。Machinable specifications at the end of block, side block, corner block.

可加工成各种肉制品如香肠等,有极大的竞争力。Machinable into a variety of meat products such as sausage, and so on, have great competitiveness.

评述了具有弱界面结构的可加工陶瓷的研究进展。The research progress in machinable ceramics with weak interfaces in microstructure was reviewed in this paper.

与K-73组成触变系统,形成一个白色低弹性边缘强硬的可加工凝胶涂层。With K-73 is a thixotropic system. Gives a white, slightly resilient, machinable gelcoat with good edge strength.

研究了钣金数控折弯加工特征信息的识别方法。The paper focuses on the technique of machinable features recognition of sheet metal parts in CNC bending process.

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铸造模具用材料可分别选用木材、可加工塑料、铝合金、铸铁、钢材等。Die Casting Die Casting materials used wood materials can be selected, Machinable plastic, aluminum, iron, steel and so on.

目前已应用与临床的可加工长石瓷颜色与人体牙齿最为接近,可以再现自然牙齿的生动性。At present, The color of machinable feldspathetic porcelain that has been applying to clinic is the most similar to nature teeth.

在光学显微镜下考察了不同热处理制度下可加工微晶玻璃陶瓷的组织和结构。Microstructure of machinable glass-ceramics prepared in different processes of heat treatment was investigated by optical microscope.

C6132普通车床是320毫米系列车床的基础产品,C6232A马鞍车床在马鞍槽内可加工较大直径工件。C6132 ordinary lathe is 320 mm Series lathe based products, C6232A saddle in the saddle bed lathe Machinable large diameter workpieces.

将废玻璃和氟云母晶体粉末混合,采用烧结法制备可加工氟闪石玻璃陶瓷。A machinable fluoramphibole glass-ceramic was fabricated by directly mixing fluormica crystals with recycled glass powder and sintering.

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可加工的材料包括亚克力、双色板、PVC、ABS板、石材、仿石材、金属、铝塑板等各种材料。Machinable materials including acrylic, double color boards, PVC, ABS board, stone, imitation stone, metal, aluminum plate and other materials.

通过材料的钻削率、磨削力以及SEM照片,研究了稀土氧化物可加工陶瓷材料的可加工性。The machinability for machinable ceramics containing rare-earth phosphates was analysed with the material removal rates, grinding forces and SEM.

提出了动态八叉树结构和相应的自相似裂变递归算法,实现了虚拟环境下的可加工工件动态建模。A dynamic 8-tree structure and a relative self-similar recursion algorithm are presented to model a dynamic workpiece object, which is machinable.

将氟云母晶体粉末直接与窗玻璃粉末混合后烧结,制备出可加工氟闪石玻璃陶瓷。A machinable fluoramphibole glass-ceramic was fabricated by directly incorporating fluormica crystals with recycled glass powder and then sintered.

目的研制一种新型的钙云母增强陶瓷,探讨提高氟金云母类切削陶瓷材料强度的方法。Objective To study the strengthening of fluorophlogopite based dental machinable ceramic through developing a new type of calcium mica based ceramic.

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片材可加工FPC,PET,PCB,双面胶,保护膜,铜铝薄等各种电子材料,冲切全断和半断。Sheet Machinable FPC, PET, PCB, double sided tape, protective film, thin copper and aluminum and other electronic materials, die-cut full cut and a half off.

随着可加工陶瓷材料的研发与应用,可加工陶瓷材料的机械加工技术逐渐成为当今的研究热点之一。With the research and application of machinable ceramics, machining technologies of machinable ceramic have gradually been one of investigated focuses nowadays.

通过对多种材料匹配的分析,分别选择热固性的环氧树脂和热塑性可机加工蜡作为工件材料和支撑材料。Through analysis of various of match materials, hot-solidified epoxy colophony and thermoplastic and machinable wax are chosen as part material and support material.