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有七十个刎。There are seventy.

七十比六十七。Seventy to sixty-seven.

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不,七十个七次。No, seventy times seven.

最后我收了七十马克。In the end I got seventy marks.

他已达古稀之年。He has attained the age of seventy.

那座塔约七十尺高。The tower was about seventy feet high.

平均要高五到七万不等。An average of five to seventy thousand.

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埃及人为他举哀七十天。The Egyptians wept for him for seventy days.

我不知跟你说过多少次不要迟到。Seventy times have I told you not to be late.

他画了大概七十幅自画像he did something like seventy self-portraits.

第二册搜集了近七十个饱蘸机智和幽默的故事。Book II gleans about seventy tales of wit and humor.

格莱斯顿在七十岁那年还在学习一门新语言!Gladstone took up a new language when he was seventy.

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请把信放在那边磅称上。要七毛五。Please put it on the scale there. Seventy five cents.

亚拉的子孙七百七十五名。The children of Arah, seven hundred seventy and five.

基甸有七十个亲生的儿子,因为他有许多的妻。He had seventy sons of his own, for he had many wives.

选民再次当选为省长在1970年他。Voters re-elected him as governor in nineteen seventy.

奥斯特洛夫斯基离开我们已经整整七十年了。Ostrovsky departed from us already seventy whole years.

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大雨使我们推迟了七十分钟才到达。The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.

推罗在经过审判七十年后有何改变?What has Tyre changed seventy years after her judgement?

你们的问题造成了七万辆轿车的召回。Your problem has caused recalls of seventy thousand cars.