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这是一场毫不调和的斗争。This is an uncompromising struggle.

他是不屈不挠的改革者的典型。He typifies the uncompromising reformer.

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这些暖流令我们看见神坚毅不屈地热爱生命。These rays reveal God's uncompromising devotion to life.

如果我来给张楚做个简单的定义,一位孤独的诗人,一颗不肯媚俗的心。Had I make a definition of Zhang Chu, a lonely poet and an uncompromising heart.

两人都以坚定不移,决不妥协的讲话臣服了各自的听众。Both men regaled their respective audiences with defiant, uncompromising speeches.

当伊莉莎·威廉姆斯看着生活和工作的不妥协的ad-man,罗恩·科林斯。While Eliza Williams looks at the life and work of uncompromising ad-man, Ron Collins.

乔布斯作为对产品决策的最终仲裁者,对于自己的意见是非常坚定的,他的同事这样评价。As the final arbiter on product decisions, Mr. Jobs, colleagues say, is uncompromising.

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面对这一情况以及恶劣的环境,车队联盟还是真心实意地去寻求妥协。Despite this, and the uncompromising environment, Fota has genuinely sought compromise.

温家宝此前在汇率问题上采取了类似的不妥协立场。Premier Wen has previously taken a similarly uncompromising line on the currency issue.

在这饱受战争摧残的街道上,特种兵的车队排成一列强势的队伍。Outside in the war-torn street, special forces vehicles drew up in an uncompromising line.

毫不妥协的自恋使你被别人疏远,渐渐的错过一些美好的东西。An uncompromising self-absorption which alienates others and compromises the well-being of all.

五四运动是一次彻底的不妥协的反帝反封建的爱国运动。Movement is a thorough and uncompromising patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism.

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他的漂浮的色彩矩形块传达出的不妥协的严厉使艺术家惊叹,批评家亦然。The uncompromising severity of his floating rectangles of colour awed artists and critics alike.

正是上帝不可动摇的道德标准,才使得他发起洪水来捍卫圣神的正义。It's God's uncompromising ethical standards that lead him to bring the flood in an act of divine justice.

肯尼要求与他一起工作的每一个人都百分百付出,关于努力与否这个问题上他从不妥协。Kenny demands 100 per cent from everyone who works with him and is uncompromising when it comes to effort.

是故当我们处理不妥协的他人时,我们应草草应付或是往坏处想?Is it the case that when we deal with uncompromising people, we are dealing with ignorance or bad thinking?

关于这一事件的新闻传遍世界各地,这也章显了三星的承诺和不妥协。News of this incident traveled around the world, demonstrating Samsung's commitment to uncompromising quality.

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据蒙迪扎巴尔说,穆萨毫不妥协的为人对那些参股两家机构的党派而言无疑是一大威胁。According to Mendizábal, Musa's uncompromising ethics posed a threat to parties with stakes in these institutions.

据蒙迪扎巴尔说,穆萨毫不妥协的为人对那些参股两家机构的党派而言无疑是一大威胁。According to Mendizábal, Musa’s uncompromising ethics posed a threat to parties with stakes in these institutions.

他的孩子在米德尔斯堡的帕里斯特公园成长,他不会冒任何风险。He would leave little to chance as his children grew up on the uncompromising Pallister Park estate in Middlesbrough.