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我骑摩托车去那儿。I got there by motorcycle.

喔,我能骑骑你的摩托车不?。Oh, can I drive the motorcycle?

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台北,轿车和摩托车堵塞。Car and Motorcycle jam in Taipei.

他下摩托车。He dismounted from the motorcycle.

我很害怕开摩托车。I'm afraid of driving a motorcycle.

我把机车停立在树底下。I set my motorcycle up under a tree.

目录马克兰摩托车配件。Accessories guide Markram motorcycle.

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我并不知道你有一辆摩托车。I didn't know that you had a motorcycle.

摩托车和汽车机油对比怎么样?What about motorcycle V. S. car oils ???

我从出有忧虑过我的自止车。I never worry on my two wheel motorcycle.

环球摩托车公司,请问您找谁?。Transworld Motorcycle Co. can I help you?

介意我试骑你的摩托车吗?You mind if I test-drive your motorcycle?

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但摩托车剪叉式升降机的立场。"But the scissors lift "motorcycle" stand.

我真不知道你有一辆摩托车。Anyway, I didn't know you had a motorcycle.

为了周末的远足,他买了一辆摩托车。For weekend jaunts, he bought a motorcycle.

他骑着摩托车沿公路疾驶。He clipped along the road on his motorcycle.

你最好马上卖掉摩托车换成现款。You'd better encash your motorcycle at once.

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嗨,戴维。佩妮,是你的摩托?。Hi. Dave. Hi. Penny. So it's your motorcycle ?

我卖车是想买一辆更大的。I am selling the motorcycle to get a bigger one.

乔治喋喋不休的谈论他的新的摩托车。Jeorge kept chattering about his new motorcycle.