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其报警点。Its the alarming point.

这座城市的犯罪率真让人担忧。The crime rate in this city is really alarming.

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领导不力,这一点现在已经是明摆着了,而且已经到了令人担忧的地步。Weak leadership, as evident today, is alarming.

这无亚于火星撞地球。This is a return to earth with an alarming bump.

这比你能想像的要更加值得警惕This is more alarming then you could ever imagine.

现今,伟通正以惊人的速度茁壮成长。Nowadays, Wei is at an alarming rate grow sturdily.

这钟鼓楼还可以用来报警呢。Besides, they could also be used for alarming purposes.

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即使与拉达克相比较,这也是个令人胆战心惊的地方。Even as compared with Ladakh, NEFA is an alarming sight.

法国队场下的问题更严重。Even more alarming have been France's off-field problems.

我国尾矿库安全状况令人担忧。The safety situation of tailing pond in China is alarming.

此外,变速的时候,并不会发出令人惊慌失措的喀喇声响。There were no alarming clunks as the gears shifted, either.

巨大成功使她得意忘形到惊人的地步。The great success has bloated her ego to an alarming degree.

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例如,我们的标牌正在以惊人的速度消失。For example, our signs were disappearing at an alarming rate.

这使她对发展共同体来说是那么令人害怕。This is what makes her so alarming to the development community.

使用直白、准确而不会耸人听闻的解释。Use straightforward, accurate explanations that are not alarming.

如果市场枯竭,资产价值沉底,后果令人难以想象。That could be alarming if markets dry up and asset values plummet.

他们认为这些数据未成完全反应当前紧急的形势。They argue that the figures fail to give the full alarming picture.

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一夜之间,一向无精打采的媒体将这警报播到四面八方。Overnight, a compliant media spread this alarming news far and wide.

从伊尔库茨克到乌兰巴托的旅程有个吓人的开端。The journey from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator got off to an alarming start.

那时,焦亚先生形容这份数据为“简洁,一致又惊人。”At the time Mr. Gioia called the data “simple, consistent and alarming.”