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请题名留念。Please give your autograph as a memento.

星芭被推测死掉以后,阿达玛上将发现了她的哪些纪念物?What memento of Starbuck does Admiral Adama find after her presumed death?

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“在今后,它们将成为这个妙不可言的结婚日的永恒纪念”。In years to come, they will be a timeless memento of a magical wedding day.

我会把它们汇集在一起,然后给它们照张相,这样你的丈夫就有了让他回忆的东西了。I’d gather them together and take a picture of them so your husband has a memento.

更多的垂钓者去钓鱼的时候带上了照相机,以便钓上鱼后留个纪念。More anglers are taking cameras when they go fishing to provide a memento of catches.

这是摄影的奇妙实践,和那些喜爱他们宠物的人们无价的纪念。A wonderful exercise in photography and a priceless memento for those who love their pets.

本片再次为喜爱舞台剧的观众提供一个色彩缤纷、悦耳和谐的回忆。Again, it provides a very colourful and tuneful memento for those who loved their theatrical experience.

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于是我从碎石堆里捡拾了一块作为纪念品——一块废弃的难以辨认的水泥装饰品。I retrieved a small piece from the ruins as a memento – an undistinguished chunk of cast concrete decoration.

对了,后藤先生要给您这份小纪念品和小册子,以作为您这次来访的记念。By the way, mr. Goto would like to present you with this small memento and brochure to remember your visit by.

在鼓乐震撼的迴音感动之馀,真想把这样的记忆带回家,那您就非得在十鼓纪念品馆多驻足。After enjoying shaking drum music, if you want to bring this memory to home, you can visit Ten Drum Memento Hall.

它可能是迷人的热吻留念,也可能是让人难堪的讨厌瘀痕,取决于你怎么看。It is, depending on your point of view, a charming memento of the kissing session or a repulsive and embarrassing bruise.

所以,这个碟子实际上没有销售价值,它的“无价”只是一种对于中国的纪念和对于这位朋友的珍惜之情。Consequently, the dish has no sales value and is "priceless" only as a memento of China and a friend whom I will always cherish.

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向南,能够听听年夜本钟的轰鸣,再到白金汉宫照个留念照。To the south, may listen to the big this clock thundering, again arrives Buckingham Palace to illuminate according to a memento.

OED编纂委员会决定为辛苦工作的志愿者举办一个派对,并送上纪念品以示感谢。The board of the OED decided they would throw a party for these hard working volunteers and give them a little thank you memento.

在Laila抵制传统的婚礼上,新娘给了每位客人发了一本自著的专题论文代替一般大量的纪念品。At Laila's wedding, which bucked tradition, the bride handed guests a self-authored treatise instead of the usual frou-frou memento.

考特尼杀死的律师,他在一个陶窑烘焙,和地方的花瓶在空地上他的货架作为纪念他的完美犯罪。Courtney kills the lawyer, bakes him in a pottery kiln, and places the vase in the open space on his shelf as a memento to his perfect crime.

我公司生产、经营陶瓷类艺术作品及陈设瓷、礼品瓷、纪念瓷、装饰瓷、日用瓷等。Our company engages in many kinds of porcelain such as artwork, decorative porcelain, gifted porcelain, memento porcelain, daily-use porcelain, etc.

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或许他们会把它作为一种回忆或纪念品来收藏”,有着黑色头发和略显疲惫的棕色眼睛的拜登先生表示。People want to have it. Maybe they want to keep it as a kind of memento or souvenir, " Baydan, who has dark hair and weary-looking brown eyes, says."

Fabric3使用了一种基于记忆补偿的方法来回滚更改,其结果是运行时总能处在一致的状态。Fabric3 uses a compensation approach based on the concept of memento to undo changes. The upshot is that runtimes are always left in a consistent state.

编剧兼导演克里斯托弗诺兰纪念,并推出了他的职业生涯失眠,奥秘到现实如何能在旁观者的心钻研。Writer-director Christopher Nolan launched his career with Memento and Insomnia, mysteries that delve into how reality can be in the mind of the beholder.