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辛迪的办公桌上有一盆植物!Cindy has a plant on her desk!

我最好的朋友是福莱特和辛迪。My best friends are Frank and Cindy.

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爱德华和辛迪在80年代初相遇。Edward and Cindy met in the early 1980's.

你好,我叫辛迪•琼斯。你一定是汤姆。Hi, I'm Cindy Jones. And you must be Tom.

辛迪倾身过去低声向简说了些什么。Cindy leaned to whisper something to Jane.

在他眼中,仙蒂始终是个丑丫头。Cindy had always been uncomely in his eyes.

你有听说辛蒂和她男友的事情吗?Did you hear about Cindy and her boyfriend?

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辛迪往往会谎报体重和年龄。Cindy tends to lie about her weight and age.

我是在课堂上认识辛迪的,还真是情投意合。Cindy and I met in class and really hit it off.

献给所有喜欢周杰伦和袁咏琳的朋友。Dedicate this song to all fans of Jay and Cindy.

玉森,我是欣怡,终于把文章贴上了。Hanson I'm Cindy. I've finally posted my article.

辛迪和布鲁克都成长在富裕的环境。Both Cindy and Brook live in opulent circumstances.

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辛迪说,“那就是你娶一个吝啬鬼的原因。”Cindy says, "That's why you married a penny-pincher."

吉姆和辛迪总是形影不离,而且从来没吵过架。Jim and Cindy are always together and they never fight.

辛迪-克劳馥是欧米茄手表的全球形象大使。Cindy Crawford is a global ambassador for Omega watches.

在恢复的时候,辛迪决定留在医院里做一次整容。Upon her recovery, Cindy decided to stay in the hospital

我同意你的想法。但是万一辛蒂五分钟后来了怎么办?。I agree with you. But what if Cindy comes in five minutes?

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世界名模辛迪·克劳馥脸上最显著的特点是她那颗美人痣。Cindy Crawford's beauty spot is her most prominent feature.

辛迪打了911急救电话,她和凯拉被即刻送往医院。Cindy called 911, and she and Kyla were rushed to a hospital.

辛娣憎姊妹会!她表示宁做独立派。Cindy hates sororities! She said she would rather be an indie.