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士兵们准备投入战斗。The soldiers girt themselves up for battle.

女孩给母亲倒了一玻璃杯牛奶。The girt poured a glass of milk for her mother.

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我是光,害怕黑暗包裹的孤独。Light that I am , is afraid of the be girt with darkness.

正如经常发生的情况一样,这个女孩忘了带她的字典。As is often the case, the girt forget to bring her dictionary.

科莱特坚持认为奥黛丽•赫本是那部戏里女主角的最佳人选。Colette insisted that Audrey was the perfect girt to play the lead role in the play.

是的,若上帝与我们同在,即使天生的弱点也能显出超自然的能力。If the LORD be with us in our natural weakness we shall be girt with supernatural power.

这位实力偶像兼备的少女是亚洲艺能界共同追捧的偶像!This young girt with both good appearance and strength has become an icon favored by the entertainment circle in Asia!

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双足以新祭的小山羊血染红,腰间缠一根以七块绿玉装嵌的铜制腰带。Its feet were red with the blood of a newly-slain kid, and its loins girt with a copper belt that was studded with seven beryls.

灯台中间,有一位好像人子,身穿长衣,直垂到脚,胸间束着金带。And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

根据工程情况不同,可将箱形转换层简化为普通肋梁墙模型、普通肋梁梁模型和组合梁的空腹桁架模型。The box transfer story can be simplified into wall model of common girt strip, beam model of common girt strip and open-frame girder model of compound beam according to different project situations.

阿纳托利从房里走出来,过了几分钟又走回来,他身穿一件束着银腰带的短皮袄,雄赳赳地歪歪地戴着一顶与他那清秀的面孔很相称的貂皮帽子。ANATOLE went out of the room, and a few minutes later he came back wearing a fur pelisse, girt with a silver belt, and a sable cap, jauntily stuck on one side, and very becoming to his handsome face.