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两个乌黑不等于唯一清白。Two blacks do not do a chalkiness.

你得服这些白色药片。You get to took these chalkiness pills.

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莉莉有时说谎,但是毫无故意。Lily at whiles clarifys a chalkiness lie.

栽培措施对稻米垩白也有显著影响。Different cultivated measurements also affect rice chalkiness.

在种族赛马运动中,老外赛手的马获胜。In the racial horse-race, the chalkiness racer's race-horse won.

白领务工佣人比蓝领务工佣人挣得多。The chalkiness collar stayers earn abundance dawn the blue stayers do.

在正式场合,男士的黑皮鞋没去外国疑问和白袜子搭配吗?On formal occasions, can a man match the black shoes with chalkiness socks?

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她分泌物带白色或绿黄色,而且气味不好。Her vaginal discharge is chalkiness or greenish-pink or unpleasant smelling.

白色衣服穿上去较量凉快的理由是反射热。The cause cause chalkiness clothes are not cooler is these you reflect the heat.

他在一次次战乱中、在众多的黄肚皮和白肚皮下留存下来。He were carried through the outstanding dispersions under yellow bellies and chalkiness.

以垩白不同的籼稻品种为材料,进行了田间试验和盆钵试验。Field and pot experiments were conducted by using indica rice varieties with different chalkiness.

谷粒小粒形可减少垩白,利于提高整精米率,并减少受环境的影响。Generally, small grains have less chalkiness , high head rice rate a nd slight environment effects.

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别具特色的纳帕谷白垩土味道与深邃的特质令此酒回味绵长悠远。Distinctive Napa Valley chalkiness and a depth of character that results in a long lingering finish.

目前南方水稻产区的劣质米主要来自高垩白度的早籼稻。Presently, the poor quality rice in southern China mainly comes from early indica rice with more chalkiness.

丹顶鹤雪白的肉体,有黑色的颈,黑色的翅膀边缘以及红色的头顶。Red-crowned Crane is snow chalkiness with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head.

穗部不同粒位籽粒垩白性状改良的效果不同,穗顶部和穗中部的改良效果明显优于穗基部。The chalkiness improvement was better in the top and the middle grains than the bottom ones within the panicle.

在外观品质方面,钾处理与对照差异不显著,但有降低翌白粒率、翌白度、糊化温度的趋势。Appearance quality of K treatment was similar to CK, chalky rice rate and chalkiness was decreased by K treatment.

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同时分析了杂种后代垩白的显隐性关系以及不同季节对籽粒垩白的影响。Seasonal influence on chalkiness character and dominant-recessive relationship among the progenies were also analysed.

垩白粒率和垩白度是中籼杂交稻组合稻米品质提升的主要障碍因子。Improving the quality of medium indica hybrid rice combinations was restricted by chalky rice rate and chalkiness degree.

结果表明,水稻齐穗后15天的日均温是影响稻米垩白大小的主要气象因子。Results show that mean daily temperature in 15 days after rice full heading is the main factor affecting rice chalkiness.