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不能把它看作是一个场景。Don't see it as a diorama.

构建这本书中任何一章节的结构图。Construct a diorama for any section in the book.

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使图表的每一个西洋镜与标记写生。Make diagrams of each diorama with labeled sketches.

整个展示中最吸引我的地方,是展示末的造景。The most appealing part of all is the diorama at the end of the exhibition.

当我发现自己获奖时真有点不敢相信。When I found out that I had won in the diorama category I could not believe it.

海之宝的艾拉·塞库拉活动人偶也被放在这片概念立体模型中,以增添几分乐趣。For a bit of fun, a Hasbro action figure of Aayla Secura was included in this concept diorama.

达盖尔认为尼埃普斯发明的这一过程可以帮助加快透视画的制作。Daguerre thought that the process developed by Niepce could help speed up his diorama creation.

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走在一个更清洁,在莫斯科2006年7月25日在一个购物中心的1977年中央莫斯科西洋镜。A cleaner walks in a diorama of a 1977 central Moscow in a shopping centre in Moscow July 25, 2006.

我的最新项目是一个1805年特拉法尔加战役期间皇家海军“胜利”号的一个部分的场景。My newest project is a diorama of a section of the HMS Victory during the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

在博物馆中,描述进化起源的模型常常会展现勇猛的猎人追逐一头直立猛口象的情景。The usual museum diorama of our evolutionary origins features brave hunters pursuing a rearing mammoth.

排在第一的是一幅透视画,画面中先前的农奴们很高兴地将“封建文件”抛入火堆。Pride of place goes to a diorama showing former serfs merrily chucking "feudal documents" into the fire.

展览最为得意之处在于一副描绘了从前的农奴欢欣鼓舞的将“封建统治的凭证”投入到火中烧掉的透视画。Pride of place goes to a diorama showing former serfs merrily chucking "feudal documents" into a crackling fire.

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本节目到访伦敦的戴奥罗马艺术中心,听取两位男士介绍如何利用绘画帮助治疗他们的问题。In this opening programme, Wendy looks at a range of art therapies by visiting the Diorama Arts Centre in London.

“现在”展区通过照片透视画及实物展示、影像装置呈现2020年的未来城市。"Now" exhibition by photo diorama and physical display, imaging device renders the future cities by the year 2020.

之前下降时进行研究天使,幻想序列随之在路易斯和乔出现在西洋镜。When Prior drops in to conduct research on angels, a fantasy sequence ensues in which Louis and Joe appear in the diorama.

科学博物馆为非制式教育机构,具有实物物件、空间营造等多元展示手法,提供观众愉快的参观学习经验。As an informal educational setting, science museum provides a variety of exhibition approaches such as real objects and scenario diorama.

花费数月搜集资料及素材,是制作这台情景之过程中我最为享受的部份!Spending several months on research and colleting different elements that bring the diorama together was a big part of the enjoyment of this project.

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他解释说,“内部是一个主板做的桌子”外部又用木头做了一个框架,并在四周盖上玻璃,具有一定的透视效果。One internal table to screw the boards to and another set of wood frames with glass that slide on top of the board table. It's basically a wood diorama.

“历史会做出公平的判决。”长廊般的展览高潮部分是真实大小的照片,喜气洋洋的藏人把封建账本扔进火堆。"History makes fair judgments, " reads the text of the sprawling exhibit whose emotional peak is a life-size diorama of gleeful Tibetans tossing feudal documents into a bonfire.

创建一个立体模型或用美术工具、电脑绘制一幅图画来说明你对替代被夷为平地的原世贸中心以及周围的区域的标志性建筑外形的想法。Create a diorama or draw a picture using any art tools or the computer to illustrate your idea of what New York's Ground Zero, surrounding areas and its skyline should look like in the future.