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他用完美的冷静通过了这个游戏。He played the game with perfect sangfroid.

他镇定地面对攻击。He faced the attack with amazing sangfroid.

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这种泰然自若的姿态要经受多种威胁的考验。This sangfroid could be tested by several threats.

无论发生什么事请保持冷静。Please keep up your sangfroid whatever it happened.

看着远去的马队,他显得更加镇定自若。He had watched the passing of the horses with more sangfroid.

设计者对他们的工作展示了惊人的冷静。The designers exhibit a surprising sangfroid about their work.

类似的冷静也在美国股票市场上演。Similar sangfroid is being displayed about America's stockmarket.

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船长表现得尤其从容镇定,行动中丝毫没有失去冷静。The commander showed great sangfroid and acted without ever losing his composure.

这种天蝎式的冷静会让你保持对家和家庭的事情继续尖叫。Such Scorpionic sangfroid will keep you screaming about the home and family thing.

残暴男子从容地把乐观的儿子往飞机库里的挂钩上猛撞。With sangfroid the sanguinary man bangs his sanguine son against the hanger in the hangar.

很少有人拥有从事这项工作的所必需的沉着,但法希天生是干这个的料。Few men possessed the necessary sangfroid for this kind of operation, but Fache seemed born for it.

与此相反的是,在电视上--相比网络而言他更加频繁的出现在电视上--他的举止有着不可思议的沉着。By contrast, on television, where he has been appearing more frequently, he acts with uncanny sangfroid.

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在对阵2003年世界冠军维尔纳-施拉格时,老将王励勤显示出了非凡的的冷静,以11-6,11-4,11-8击败对手。In face of the 2003 world champion Werner Schlager, veteran Wang Liqin displayed unusual sangfroid , blanketing the opponent 11-6, 11-4, 11-8.