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2012年,参宿四会爆炸吗?Will Betelgeuse explode in 2012 ?

参宿四是一颗红色的超巨星。A red supergiant, Betelgeuse is no slouch of a star either.

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地图将以参宿四为中心重绘。The map will be redrawn centred on the position of Betelgeuse.

参宿四本身的外形就是一个小型的,中央呈红色的圆圈。Betelgeuse itself is outlined by the small, central red circle.

只有两个失踪星级职务是参宿四和参宿七。The only two missing star positions are for Betelgeuse and Rigel.

黄橙色的参宿四是照片中剩下的最亮的恒星。Yellow-orange Betelgeuse is the brightest star on the image left.

天空足够黑的话,你可以看到这条由星星组成的弧线从参宿四旁流过。Given a dark sky, you can see this archway of stars running by Betelgeuse.

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他说绿色的原因只是因为那是参宿四贸易巡查员传统太空制服的颜色。The reason he said green was that green was the traditional space livery of the Betelgeuse trading scouts.

参宿四是中央附近略带红色的恒星,猎户座腰带和猎户星云位于影像的更右方。Betelgeuse is the reddish star near the center and the Belt of Orion and the Orion Nebula are farther right.

在这张单次曝光的照片中,最左面的那颗最明亮的恒星是较冷的红巨星参宿四,带点黄色光晕。In this single exposure, cool red giant Betelgeuse takes on a yellowish tint as the brightest star at the far left.

就当然从恒星到人类的条款的转换是很是极端参宿四星预计将下一步百万年随时爆炸。Of course, the conversion from stellar to human terms is pretty extreme, as Betelgeuse is predicted to explode anytime in the next million years.

实际上,如果让参宿四来代替我们太阳系的太阳,它的外层将会延伸超过地球和火星,并且几乎接近于木星的轨道。In fact, if Betelgeuse replaced the sun in our solar system, its outer layers would extend past Earth and Mars and to nearly the orbit of Jupiter.

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猎户座腰带上三颗亮星几乎与雪径垂直,右下角猎人之剑上的恒星和星云清晰可辨。Hanging from his belt, the stars and nebulae of the Hunter's sword are visible lower and to the right. Yellow-orange Betelgeuse is the brightest star on the image left.

所以不要指望获得大量的睡眠时参宿四星爆炸,因为要做世界的唯一明智事情会举行为期一周的全球超新星宴会。So don't count on getting a lot of sleep when Betelgeuse explodes, because the only sensible thing for the world to do will be to throw a weeks-long global supernova party.