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要有一个梦想。Have a dream.

梦剧场。Dream Theater.

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好长一段梦啊。A long dream ah.

那是我的梦想。It was my dream.

梦醒了。The dream ended.

梦见优雅,儿子。Dream grace, son.

梦见完美。Dream perfection.

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我的梦特别多。I dream too much.

酝酿出一个梦。Incubate a dream.

你有一个梦想。You have a dream.

夜梦也激增。A dream boom, too.

我梦在何时?And when I dream ?

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那就是我们的梦想。That is our dream.

这就是我们的梦。This is our dream.

梦在延续着。The dream continue.

我行走于梦中。I walk in the dream.

在某个午夜梦回。In a midnight dream.

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我的梦有一把锁。My dream has a lock.

梦幻世界的大抓子!Dream world the Claw!

它是梦想的杀手。It is a dream killer.