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贝尔彻和她的研究小组以一种叫M13的无害病毒做实验。Belcher and her team took a harmless virus called M13.

接着,约万·贝克尔从教练和警方身旁走开。Jovan Belcher then walked away from the coach and from the police.

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卑路乍湾填海区的地区游憩用地建筑工程已于一九九八年八月完成,这是工程计划的一部分。The District Open Space at Belcher Bay Reclamation as part of the project was completed in August 1998.

就像一幅由粉红色和绿色刷成的画那样,贝尔彻群岛在深蓝色的加拿大哈德逊湾中蜿蜒。Like sweeping brushstrokes of pink and green, the Belcher Islands meander across the deep blue of Canada's Hudson Bay.

贝契则会继续定期指导坎布利欧斯的各个计画,也会进行自己的研究。Belcher continues to consult regularly with Cambrios on its various projects, and she also conducts research on her own.

贝尔切表示,参加投票的年轻选民增多"切实改变了初选进程中选民的面貌"。The increased turnout among young voters “really changed the face of the electorate in the primary process,” Belcher said.

贝契想在她的噬菌体上连接其他较安全的粒子,如氮化镓、氮化铟或其他半导体。Belcher is trying to get her phage to attach to safer particles made of gallium nitride, indium nitride or some other semiconductor.

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这是贝尔彻和她的团队所使用的过程,包括博士生尹圣南--新文章的主要作者,决定模仿的。That’s the process Belcher and her team, including doctoral student Yoon Sung Nam, the lead author of the new paper, decided to imitate.

它的发现者是麻省理工大学的安吉拉·贝尔彻,她的灵感来自于植物,因为植物中的特殊色素在光合作用中能吸收太阳能,并分解水。MIT’s Angela Belcher took her cue from plants, where special pigments capture solar energy in photosynthesis, involving the splitting of water.

到目前为止,工作重点电池,但本周的一份文件显示出来的宝翠园已变成了她的注意对光电设备。So far, the work has focused on batteries, but this week a paper came out that indicated Belcher has turned her attention to photovoltaic devices.

“我们正尝试着模拟自然界的生物过程,”贝尔彻说道。但是,“我们并不打算创造一个和鲍鱼完全一样的生物体。”“We're trying to mimic natural biological processes,” says Belcher. But, “we don't necessarily want to make the exact same structure that an abalone does.”

色素的作用是“作为一个捕捉光线的天线,”贝尔彻说,“然后能量通过病毒长度传递下来,病毒就像电线一样。The role of the pigments is “to act as an antenna to capture the light,” Belcher explains, “and then transfer the energy down the length of the virus, like a wire.

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色素的作用是“作为一个捕捉光线的天线,”贝尔彻说,“然后能量通过病毒长度传递下来,病毒就像电线一样。The role of the pigments is “to act as an antenna to capture the light, ” Belcher explains, “and then transfer the energy down the length of the virus, like a wire.

酵母通常不会对二氧化碳等做出自我反应,所以贝尔彻和她的学生们必须改造它们来表达类似鲍鱼机体中的那些基因。Yeast don't normally do any of those reactions on their own, so Belcher and her students had to engineer them to express genes found in organisms such as the abalone.

酵母通常不会对二氧化碳等做出自我反应,所以贝尔彻和她的学生们必须改造它们来表达类似鲍鱼机体中的那些基因。Yeast don’t normally do any of those reactions on their own, so Belcher and her students had to engineer them to express genes found in organisms such as the abalone.

在港岛西面,卑路乍湾填海工程及在该填海区兴建的卑路乍湾连接路,已在一九九七年二月竣工,配合西区海底隧道的启用。On the western side, Belcher Bay Reclamation and the construction of Belcher Bay Link on it were completed in February 1997 to tie in with the opening of the Western Harbour Crossing.

贝彻尔和他的研究生发现,海洋生物如鲍鱼的体内常常会有一种基因表达,使其长出坚硬的贝壳。To make the CO2 bricks, Belcher and her graduate students modified baker's yeast to express genes that are normally found in sea creatures like abalones, which make hard carbonate shells.