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狄更斯是位多产的小说家。Dicken's was a fruitful novelist.

她仅仅是一位多子多孙的妇女。She was simply the most fruitful woman.

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一直忘不了,那一年的春华秋实。Has been forgotten, the year of Fruitful.

北部的山谷更富饶。The valleys to the north are more fruitful.

金冠是一个非常丰产的品种。Golden delicious is a very fruitful cultivar.

可以说是扫兴而来满载而归。Can be said to be disappointing from fruitful.

好耐无上来,祝大家新一年事事顺利,身体健康!Wishing all of you a happy & fruitful new Year !

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秋天,是一个五谷丰登、硕果累累的季节。Fall, is a bumper grain harvest, fruitful season.

我希望你们丰收多产,等等。I want you to be fruitful and multiply, and so on.

关键在于,要「结果」而不要「寄生」。The key is to be fruitful rather than parasitical.

多结果的生命常寻求时雨。The fruitful life seeks showers as well as sunshine.

人成熟一点,妳的爱情便会开花结果。To be mature, then love will be abloom and fruitful.

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你妻子在你的内室,好象多结果子的葡萄树。Your wife will be like a fruitful vine in your home.

商业能提供许多丰富人生所需的要素。It offers many ofthe ingredients for a fruitful life.

一棵无花果树看着另一棵无花果树,就变得硕果累累。Looking at each other, both fig trees become fruitful.

我所亲爱的有葡萄园,在肥美的山冈上。My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill

请赐予我力量,使我的爱在劳役中硕果累累。Giveme the strength to make my love fruitful inservice.

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山岳和一切丘陵,果树与各种柏松。Mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars.

因此,这黑暗,这生命的神秘,可以是肥沃的。Thus the darkness, the mystery of life can be fruitful.

这本应是一个成功纪元的开始。It should have been the beginning of a fruitful new era.