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而且不会再生。And they do not regenerate.

蝾螈的肢体可以再生。Newts can regenerate their limbs.

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浸礼本身并不会使人重生。Baptism does not itself regenerate.

最后一步是将催化剂还原。The last step is to regenerate the catalyst.

再生当前线束并重新显示缆。Regenerate current harness and redisplay cables.

蚯蚓被切成两段后可以重新生长。The earthworm can regenerate if it's cut in half.

蜥蜴的尾巴如被切掉,它会重新生出一条尾巴。A lizard will regenerate its tail if it's cut off.

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它成为改造社会的一个主要力量。It became a main force that would regenerate society.

这种动物的尾巴如果被割掉,会再生出来。This creature's tail will regenerate if it is cut off.

他们的主要任务是复兴中国煤炭工业。Their main task is to regenerate Chinese coal industry.

使用上述指令重新生成插件文件。Regenerate the plugin file using the instructions above.

没关系,编辑条件并重新生成组。No problem, edit the conditions and regenerate the group.

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如果你能再生大脑,那才是令人感兴趣的事。If we can regenerate the brain, that would be interesting.

这时刻会允许真我和身体去复原及再生。The moments allow self and the body to renew and regenerate.

我们向人传福音,是以他们是被重生的,还是未被重生的呢?Do we preach to men and women as regenerate or unregenerate ?

这也可能是肉碱可以帮助神经再生。It is also possible that carnitine can help nerves regenerate.

天狼星人牺牲了Terra的生命来再生和提升。The Sirians sacrificed the life of Terra to regenerate and ascend.

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政府将继续努力重建内城地区。The government will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas.

它们就像鲨鱼和恐龙的牙齿一样会断裂,但也会再生。Like shark and dinosaur teeth they would break, but then regenerate.

神秘主义者声称佛陀会在这时回归,帮助地球重生。Mystics say that the Buddha returns now to help regenerate the Earth.