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黑眼睛?Black eyes?

黑头发?Black hair?

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黑暗修女。Black nuns.

黑棋时限。Black time.

会飞的黑雾吗?Black fog fly?

和我一样黑。Black like me.

鼻镜为黑色。Nose is black.

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我听见他们柔声呼唤「老黑乔!」Old Black Joe!

非黑即白。Black or white.

黑水门?Black penstock?

这是黑鹳。The black stork.

颠倒黑白。Call black white.

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大的黑蜘蛛?Big black spiders?

浓密黑毛?Thick black hairs?

宜宾七星山黑塔。Black Pagoda on Mt.

购买肉色和黑色文胸。Buy nude and black.

埃尔戈,一个黑洞。Ergo, a black hole.

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他是个败家子.He's a black sheep.

我今天穿了一身黑衣服。I'm in black today.

我们把它漆上黑色。We colour it black.