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更关注社会学方面,and a bigger emphasis on like sociological aspect,

本文探讨了企业从社会网络的脱生过程。This article is a sociological analysis of the emergence of firms.

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从社会学变化的宏观领域来说,这是一个非常明显的下降。In the glacial realm of sociological change, that amounts to a free fall.

美国社会法学派最具代表性人物是罗斯科。庞德。Perhaps the leading exponent of sociological jurisprudence was Roscoe Pound.

理性选择理论是社会学的重要理论之一。Rational choice theory is one of the most impo rt ant sociological theories.

这种智慧渐渐的被科学和社会学研究所证实。And this wisdom is increasingly supported by scientific and sociological research.

调查不适应环境的个人或家庭的社会工作。为心理失调儿童开设的学校。Close sociological study of a maladjusted person or family for diagnosis and treatment.

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这个研究报告在美国社会学协会第100次年会上提出。The study was presented at the American Sociological Association’s 100th Annual Meeting.

因此,社会学方法必然卷入元理论和元预设。Thus, meta-theory and meta-presupposition are unavoidably involved in sociological methods.

在社会学科体系中,它总是作为二等公民受尽屈辱。In sociological branch system, it always suffers all kinds of abasement as second-class citizen.

第一编呈现历史学、人类学和社会学性质上的基本背景。Part I presents essential background of a historical, anthropological, and sociological character.

文章试从社会学的角度对“城中村”的内部冲融和外部冲融问题进行分析。From sociological perspective, this paper analyzes the conflict and fusion of village-in-the-urban.

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吉登斯的社会学研究,是以三条线索为逻辑展开对社会学方法规则的重构。The sociological study of Giddens reconstructs rules of sociological method according to three clews.

第三,他为中国社会学研究的本土化工作提供了具有启发性的思路和概念。Third, he provides the enlighten thoughts and concepts for the efforts of sociological indigenization.

但苏轼文人画观的形成,有其社会学和心理学方面的特殊原因。But Sushi's idea of literati painting took shape due to special sociological and psychological reasons.

他还当选为副总统太平洋社会学学会50年至51年学年。He was also elected vice president of the Pacific Sociological Society for the 1950-1951 academic year.

她们的研究结果将在今年八月举行的,“美国社会学协会”的年会上发表。They presented their findings at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in August.

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其次,阐述了社会学界关于城市社区研究中最有影响的两种理论及其方法。Secondly, it expounds main sociological theories and methods of urban community since the Chicago School.

正是通过这三条线索的逻辑展开,吉登斯实现了社会学方法规则的超越。It is according to the three clews that Giddens realizes the transcension of rules of sociological method.

然而,男性作为一个社交群,已经还是进化出他们的固定的约会和交往模式。Nevertheless, men as a sociological group have begun to evolve in their modes of dating and relationships.