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但我们并不希望任何事情都是波澜起伏,And we don't want anything drastic happening,

我们必须采取遽烈的措施,以恢复秩序。We must adopt drastic measures to restore order.

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我讨厌这地方,我要彻底改变事业。I hate this place. I need a drastic career change.

我要怎么描述他们?差异很大。How would I describe them? Well, it's very drastic.

有时候我们可以尝试一些激烈的做法,比如进行媒体斋戒。Sometimes it’s good to get drastic. Try a media fast.

政府警告说要采取断然措施。The government is threatening to take drastic action.

这次决议只是更激烈的步骤的前奏。The resolution was a prelude to more drastic actions.

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是什么使得MTV的态度发生如此戏剧性的变化?What could cause such a drastic change in MTV's attitude?

只有采取断然措施才能挽救克莱斯勒公司。Only drastic measures could save the Chrysler Corporation.

并且,在贾基尔的指挥下,塔利班自身的损失也是惊人的。And the Taliban’s own losses under Zakir have been drastic.

了裤脚,纵身一个猛子扎入水塘中。Bottom of trouser-leg, bound up a drastic son fixed go into pond in.

目前的住房制度正在彻底改革。A drastic reformation of the present housing system has been carried out.

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当然,共和党领袖们并没有要求采取任何极端的措施。And G.O.P. leaders have not, of course, called for anything that drastic.

从我们的观点来看,最好的方法就是采取断然措施。From our point of view, the best plan would be to take a drastic measure.

我家在周至县,近几年发生了很大的变化。My home in Zhouzhi County, in recent years has undergone a drastic change.

有时,这听起来有些极端,它意味着和有负面影响的父母断绝关系。Sometimes, as drastic as it sounds, that means letting go of a toxic parent.

就像其他正在中国发生的事情,山寨正经历着巨变。Like so much else in China, themeaning of shanzhai is undergoing a drastic change.

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做些可以彻底改变你对生命的看法的近乎偏激的事情。Doing something drastic like this can completely change your whole outlook on life.

越过障碍接近木星的探测器能承受剧烈的减速吗?Hurdling down toward the planet, could the probe endure such a drastic deceleration?

你才作急剧的改变财政与金融顾问。Before making any drastic changes to your finances, consult with a financial advisor.