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一旦出现什么危险,小人总是能够自外。I am always a bystander when danger comes.

这个夏天不要再站在操场边,当一个旁观者了。Don’t be a bystander at the playground this Summer.

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中国并非美国经济走向深渊的的无辜旁观者。China is no innocent bystander in America's race to the abyss.

看起来是一个无辜的旁观者当了你的替死鬼。It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.

基于这样的考虑,最好只有一个旁观者来作出反应。It would be best if only one bystander responded, the thinking goes.

汤姆林森似乎被一名旁观者扶了起来。Mr Tomlinson then appears to have been lifted to his feet by a bystander.

当暴露在化学物中时也要佩戴护目镜——即使你仅仅是个旁观者。Wear goggles when exposed to chemicals — even if you're just a bystander.

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它让你从世界上一个被动的旁观者变成了更加主动的参与者。This changes you from a passive bystander in the world to being more active.

我们在与气候变化作斗争的过程中从旁观者转变为主导者。We have gone from a bystander to a leader in the fight against climate change.

至少有一名旁观者被击中,可能是因为公众被允许靠的太近。At least one bystander was shot, possibly because the public was allowed too close.

当埃里克的女友赶来的时候,埃里克己经死了。旁观者竞成了受害者。By the time Eric's girlfriend arrived, he was dead. The bystander became the victim.

这位老太大向旁观者讯问女皇推迟来临的原因。The old lady inquired of a bystander the reason for the delay in the Queen's arrival.

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参与淌年之间,人学会了怎样用一个旁顾者的姿态去解释统统。To enter the time between, I learned how to use a bystander attitude to explain everything.

该图照片由旁观者拍摄,照片中刺杀事件嫌疑犯正被警方带离现场。A picture snapped by a bystander shows the suspect in the stabbing being taken away by the police.

当时一名保安走近他,他猛地提枪射杀了该保安并误伤了无辜群众。When approached by a security guard, he drew a shotgun and fired at the guard and wounded a bystander.

一旁的人解了围,是的,这里用的洋葱就是她想的那种红色的有粘液的洋葱。It took a bystander to explain that, yes, the onions were of the reddish, goopy variety she had in mind.

在他的作品中,凌健并不只是从一个旁观者的角度冷漠地观察或无情地记录。In his work, Ling Jian does not record or observe the objects unfeelingly from a standpoint of a bystander.

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豪从一组清楚显示旁观者正在救助汤姆林森先生的照片中挑出一张说。Howe took one of a sequence of photographs that show a clearly dazed Mr Tomlinson being helped by a bystander.

一个旁观者把打人的过程拍摄了下来,录像带被送到全国各地的电视台公开播放。A bystander had videotaped the beating, and the tape had been released and shown on televisions across America.

外部性是指一个人的行为对旁观者福利的补偿的影响。Externalities are defined as the uncompensated impact of one person's actions on the well-being of a bystander.