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那么作为切萨皮克能源公司的投资人又有什么辄儿?So what's a Chesapeake Energy investor to do?

经过10天的航行,船到达了切萨皮克海湾。The ships reached the Chesapeake Bay after ten days sailing.

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此次会谈在切萨皮克湾的一个北方军事堡垒中举行。The talks would be held at a Union fort on the Chesapeake Bay.

三天维珍尼亚,万里长桥,普希花园游乐场。Days Virginia , Busch Gardens, Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Tour.

马里兰州萨皮克湾发现成千上万的小鱼在翻白死亡。Millions of tiny fish went belly up in Chesapeake Bay of Maryland.

切萨皮克动力团体估计将在明年末装配完数十个这样新型的钻塔。Chesapeake Energy predicts dozens more rigs by the end of next year.

“死亡地带”发生在世界各地,从上乞沙比克湾到伯德尼亚湾。"Dead Zones" occur around the world, from the Chesapeake Bay to the Baltic Sea.

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8个上规模的牡蛎养殖场就可以从切萨皮克湾海水中净化出1吨氮素。Eight large-scale oyster farms could clean a ton of nitrogen from the Chesapeake.

切萨皮克以及其他的天然气公司真的挺过来了吗?Have Chesapeake and other natural-gas producers survived the worst of the crisis?

到1775年,不仅英格兰,欧洲大部分地区都靠切萨皮克的烟草出口。By 1775, not only England but much of Europe depended on the Chesapeake for tobacco.

布什总统将会在今天到达乞沙比克海湾会见共和党立法人员。President Bush will be in a retreat on Chesapeake Bay today to meet with GOP lawmakers.

如今,我和一队准备参加横渡切萨皮克湾的运动员一起游泳。Now I’m swimming with a group of athletes who are preparing for the Great Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

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相比之下,所有600插槽,周日的4.4英里的大切萨皮克湾游泳销售一空36小时。By comparison, all 600 slots for Sunday's 4.4-mile Great Chesapeake Bay Swim sold out in 36 hours.

这伙人把17吨半的大麻香烟拖到了切萨皮克湾的一个小渔港,厄本那。The team hauled 17 and a half tons of reefer into Urbanna, Va., a tiny oyster port on the Chesapeake Bay.

梅里特称,切萨皮克湾的牡蛎供给恢复正常还需要很多年的努力。Mr. Meritt says it will take many years of work before the Chesapeake Bay has a good supply of oysters again.

因为在美国投资生产,千诗碧可已经创造了50个就业岗位,明年可能还会再有50个。Chesapeake Bay Candle has created 50 jobs, with another 50 likely next year, since it invested in US production.

几年前,为了买进一家设在加利福尼亚的能源公司几番努力却最终夭折,中国国有能源巨头中海油终于在去年从切萨皮克能源资产管理公司买进了数十亿美元的股份。state-owned Chinese energy giant, CNOOC bought a multibillion-dollar stake in Chesapeake Energy Assets last year.

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许多特区居民喜欢到马里兰州的东海岸去看海,或到切萨皮克湾沿岸的景点游览。Many DC residents head to the Eastern Shore of Maryland for seaside trips, or other spots along the Chesapeake Bay.

马里兰州首府,位于该州的中部,巴尔的摩东南部的切萨皮克海湾入口处。The capital of Maryland, in the central part of the state on an inlet of Chesapeake Bay south-southeast of Baltimore.

母亲可以把车停在切萨皮克资金公司的停车场,然后去附近的学校接孩子。Soccer moms park in the Chesapeake Capital parking lot to pick up their children at the church-run preschool next door.