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链条已经把木头磨损坏了。The chain has fretted into the wood and damaged it.

但有人公开担忧房地产泡沫。But some have fretted openly about property bubbles.

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凉鞋由于经常穿,鞋带快磨断了。Constant use had fretted the sandal strap to the breaking point.

它拥有六根弦的带品乐器,其中五根弦为钢丝弦,一根为铜丝弦。It is a fretted lute with six strings, five of steel and one of brass.

悲观者担心洪水般的进口会破坏印度的经济。Pessimists fretted that a flood of imports would destroy Indian industry.

井上茶渡因为担忧自己的无能,所以它给予了他们力量。It gave Inoue and Chad powers because they fretted over their own inabilities.

“昨天我失去了那些使我苦恼的忧虑和不安,……其时,我和神同在田野之间”。The little cares that fretted me,I lost them yesterday, Out in the field with God.

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一种纵向削制的形状如梨的拨弦乐器,琴颈上有定音档的指板,通常弯曲于调音单轴之。And a neck with a fretted fingerboard that is usually bent just below the tuning pegs.

寒风穿过枯枝,有时把发脏的藏红花吹刮跑了。The wind whistled through the twigs and fretted the occasional, dirty-looking crocuses.

魔鬼也知道得一清二楚,不时用他那燃烧的手指的触碰来折磨它!The Devil knew it well, and fretted it continually with the touch of his burning finger!

那是一个不祥的征兆。拉担心神的意志不再偏向于他。It was an ominous sign, and Lah fretted that the will of the gods had turned against him.

在文中,他并未阐明与品德缺陷相关或不相关的问题。In it, he fretted over the failure to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant character flaws.

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87步兵团第一营的士兵们都在小声议论。Insmall groups and to themselves, soldiers from the FirstBattalion, 87th Infantry, quietly fretted.

索尼娅也在座,想知道安德烈公爵和娜塔莎谈话内容的好奇心折磨着好。Sonya was sitting with them, fretted by curiosity as to what Prince Andrey and Natasha were saying.

比那琴,印度七弦琴一种印度弦乐器,有长形格子。A stringed instrument of India that has a long, fretted fingerboard with resonating gourds at each end.

长期以来,中国基础设施完善带来的经济优势让印度颇为苦恼。Indians have long fretted about the economic advantages that China gains from its infrastructure expertise.

在过去的整整半个世纪里,伊万·卡普都在为布鲁克林博物馆里的雕刻和铸像揪心。OVER THE PAST half century, Ivan Karp has fretted over the carvings and castings behind the Brooklyn Museum.

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投资者担心近期日圆的大幅升值可能损害高度依赖出口的日本经济。Investors fretted that the recent, rapid appreciation of the yen could harm Japan's export-dependent economy.

常是梨形琴身,在有格纹的琴颈上装有几组供挑拨的琴弦。An instrument with a usually pear-shaped body and a fretted neck over which several pairs of strings are stretched.

他为丽萨的男朋友着急,为艾琳的旅行和裙子长度焦虑,也怕伊芙伤着。He fretted over Lisa’s boyfriends and Erin’s travel and skirt lengths and Eve’s safety around the horses she adored.